Webelos to Boy Scout Transition Wood Badge C Antelope Patrol
Purposes of Session To examine what scout leaders can and should do to encourage Webelos II Scouts to transition from the Cub Scout program to Boy Scouts.
The Big Picture Cub ScoutsBoy Scouts Venturing Elementary School Jr. High SchoolHigh School Colleg e Few boys join Tiger Cubs with the intent of remaining in Scouting until their 21st birthday as a Venturer. However, Scouting offers a continuous program that becomes progressively more challenging as the boy moves from dependence to independence.
Cub & Boy Scouts Comparison Parent/Guardian Role CUB SCOUTS Signs Off Book Provides Direction May Share Lead BOY SCOUTS May be MB Counselor Provides Guidance Allows Boys to Lead
Boy Scout Transition Challenges Competition from other youth activities Boys “burn out” after 5 years in Cub Scouting View of scouting as a “little kids” program Boys’ fear of the unknown
Boy Scout Transition Challenges Parents increasing work commitments and decreasing time for youth activities Pack-Troop disconnect and loss of continuity Negative views of scouting in certain circles
Scout Transition Opportunities Appeal of high adventure & outdoor program Boys’ desire for exciting, challenging activities Boys’ opportunity for leadership Boys’ desire for activities with peer group The “grown up” scouting program
Scout Transition Opportunities Desire of many for meaningful experiences that offer positive life values Traditionally positive view of Scouting Strong, well-designed, and structured program
The Players (Pack) Cubmaster Webelos Den Leader Pack Trainer Den Leader Coach
Duties of all Pack Leaders Get Trained and Attend Monthly District Roundtables Promote Scouting as a Continuing Program Rather than Pack Program Review Troop Leader List and Contact Troop Leader(s) in Fall Invite Troop Leaders to Key Den Activities
Pack Leader's Goal It should be the goal of the pack adult leaders to graduate every Webelos Scout into a Boy Scout troop. The key to accomplishing this is to begin promoting Boy Scouting when Cub Scouts are still in their Tiger, Wolf, and Bear dens, and to sell the sizzle of the great outdoors. Scouting should be viewed as an ongoing adventure, and the progression should be as normal as moving from elementary school to middle school.
Duties of all Pack Leaders Visit Troop Meetings Attend Troop Event(s) Before the Transfer to Boys Scouts, see that all of the advancement has been processed (Scoutnet) for that individual cub scout.
Cubmaster Duties Sit down with your unit commissioner, Scoutmaster and Webelos den leader to determine what needs to be done to improve Webelos graduations. Assist in planning and conducting stimulating graduation ceremonies, involving parents, the Scoutmaster, the den chief, the Webelos den leader and boy leaders from the troop. Conduct Webelos den induction ceremonies and Arrow of Light Award ceremonies.
Cubmaster Duties Support the Webelos den leader in pack/troop activities. Help establish and maintain strong pack/troop relationships. Encourage high advancement standards for the Webelos Scouts.
Cubmaster Duties Include Webelos den participation in pack meeting activities. Attend roundtables on a regular basis. Attend any Webelos and Scout leader's roundtables with the Webelos den leader. Recognize the den chiefs at the pack meetings.
Cubmaster Duties Support the year-round Webelos den program. Help to recruit activity badge counselors from the pack and troops in the area. (Get troop leaders to do Outdoorsman)
Webelos Den Leader Duties Use the parent-talent survey sheets to identify potential activity badge counselors. Train the Webelos den chief and help him to register for and attend den chief's training. Recognize the Webelos den chief in front of the pack or Webelos den. Complete Webelos den leader training as soon as possible. Work with the Webelos resource person and Cubmaster to conduct effective graduation ceremonies at the pack meeting. Attend roundtables on a regular basis, especially any joint Webelos and Scout leaders' roundtables.
Pack Trainer Duties Conducts orientation for new families and pack leaders to understand purposes, policies, and procedures of Cub Scouting. Works with the district training committee in scheduling Fast Start training for all leaders, committee members, and families of the pack.
Den Leader Coach Duties Make sure there are stable, active and enthusiastic den leaders for all Cub Scout and Webelos dens. Make sure that leaders complete Fast Start and Cub Scout Leader Basic Training and attend the monthly roundtables. Conduct a Den Leader Coach Seminar for the leaders. Provide help to new den leaders. Make sure Cub Scout leader recognition awards are available to the leaders.
Den Leader Coach Duties Have monthly coach-den leader meetings to help plan den activities and programs. Pass on information about the current and up to date program also, pass on literature and material den leaders.
Den Leader Coach Duties Make sure no den is ever without a leader and assistant. Help recruit new den leaders. Ensure that there is a communications link (usually the den leader coach) between the Cubmaster and the den leaders.
The Players (Troop) Scoutmaster Den Chief(s) Assistant Scoutmaster(s) Troop Committee Member(s)
A Special Player (Troop) New Scout Chair Boy Scout troops should assign an assistant Scoutmaster or a troop committee member to be responsible for new Scouts, which would include developing a relationship with the Cubmaster and the Webelos den leaders. This person serves as a resource during Webelos overnight activities and builds enthusiasm among boys and their parents for the exciting challenges that await them in Boy Scouting.
New Scout Chair Duties Select Scouts to serve as den chiefs for each Webelos Scout den and Cub Scout den. Arrange for Den Chief Training. Den Chief should be an older, experienced Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or Venturer who has been a Boy Scout. Selected by the senior patrol leader and Scoutmaster, Varsity Scout Coach, or Venturing Advisor at the request of the Cubmaster or Webelos den leader. Preferably a former Cub Scout; ideally at least First Class rank.
New Scout Chair Duties Serve as a resource for overnight activities. The troop can be of service to provide equipment, leadership, and logistics for Webelos parent-son campouts.
New Scout Chair Duties Contact Webelos II Den Leaders from Feeder Packs in Fall Invite Webelos Dens to Troop Meetings Invite Webelos Dens to Troop Activities Plan Joint Webelos/Troop Activities Attend Key Pack Events (e.g., B&G Banquet, AOL Ceremony, Webelos Campout, Pinewood Derby)
Troop Leader Duties Conduct an orientation in the Bear Cub Scout dens to explain the changing role as boys become Webelos Scouts and then again as they become Boy Scouts. Explain how being a Webelos Scout will help prepare them for Boy Scouting. Webelos den/Scout troop campouts should show Webelos Scouts and their parents what to expect when they move into the troop. The troop should cook and camp by patrol, and use skills that the Webelos Scouts can participate in.
Den Chief Duties Know the purposes of Cub Scouting. Help Cub Scouts achieve the purposes of Cub Scouting. Serve as the activities assistant at den meetings. Set a good example through attitude and uniforming. Be a friend to the boys in the den. Help lead weekly den meetings.
Den Chief Duties Assist in planning and conducting stimulating graduation ceremonies, involving parents, the Scoutmaster, the den chief, the Webelos den leader and boy leaders from the troop. Know the importance of the monthly theme and pack meeting plans. Meet regularly with the den leader to review den and pack meeting plans. Meet as needed with adult members of the den, pack, and troop.
Den Chief Duties Receive training from the den leader (and Cubmaster or assistant Cubmaster) and attend Den Chief Training. Encourage Cub Scouts to become Webelos Scouts when they are eligible. Help the denner and assistant denner to be leaders.
The Players (District) Unit Commissioner Webelos Transition Chair
Unit Commissioner Duties Be a catalyst in developing good relationships between troop and pack leaders. Promote communication by scheduling a meeting of key volunteers. Help plan a Webelos den visit to a troop meeting and other joint activities. Keep the pack and troop on schedule as plans develop for the crossover ceremony at the blue and gold banquet.
Unit Commissioner Duties Attend the crossover ceremony. Be sure new Scouts have completed a Boy Scout application, that they have a copy of the troop's activities, and that they know when and where the troop meets. Work with the pack and troop in their charter renewal process to help ensure Webelos Scouts are moved from pack rosters to troop rosters.
Unit Commissioner Duties Work with the Webelos transition chair to follow up on boys who have not yet joined a troop. Make sure they are invited to join a troop. Be sure Webelos Scouts join a troop in time to prepare for Boy Scout summer camp.
Webelos Transition Chair Duties Contact all packs in early fall to update a list of all fifth- grade Webelos Scouts. Coach Cubmasters and Webelos den leaders in the transition process at roundtables, training courses, and through personal contact. Report to the membership committee chair, and keep the district committee informed.
Webelos Transition Chair Duties Track and maintain records of Webelos graduation by using a wall chart that lists the transition record of each pack. Work with unit commissioners to follow up on Webelos Scouts who have not joined a troop. Work toward 100 percent Webelos transition.
Resolved Every Webelos II Scout should be sufficiently exposed to Boy Scouts to make an informed yes/no decision. No boy should be “lost in the shuffle” at any stage in Scouting.
The Bottom Line Program Communication
Webelos II Transition Survey Encourages Webelos Scouts to Plan for Boys Scout Transition Provides Information for Troop and District Leaders Helps with District Scout Projections Makes Sure No Boy is Overlooked Completed with the Boys Due in November
District/Council Activities Leaders “Mixers” (Scout/Web.) Webelos Leader Conclave Webelos Woods Event District/Council AOL Ceremony District/Council Camporees
Webelos Woods Purpose: To Introduce Second- Year Webelos to Some of the Activities They Can Look Forward to in Boy Scouting
Webelos Woods Sample Schedule: 12:30 – Check-in 1:00 – Welcome & Opening 1:20 – Patrol Meetings 2:00 – Activity Stations 6:00 – Dinner 7:15 – Campfire
Webelos Woods Sample Activity Stations Camping Cooking Knots & Lashings Orienteering High Adventure & Summer Camp
District/Council AOL Ceremony Purpose: To Provide District Recognition of Boys Who Earn the Arrow of Light Award. Not Intended to Replace or Detract From the Each Pack’s AOL Ceremony.
District/Council AOL Ceremony Sample Program: Indoor Campfire Songs & Skits Akela Program Welcome by Scout Leaders Crossing the Bridge
Webelos to Boy Scout Transition Questions and Suggestions