Wiki technology in crisis management Tomas Berg Christian Mårtenson Tomas Berg Christian Mårtenson
The wiki concept Wiki is a software that enables users to collaboratively create and edit web content directly, using a web browser. The most famous wiki site is Wikipedia, the web-based free encyclopedia. Wiki is a software that enables users to collaboratively create and edit web content directly, using a web browser. The most famous wiki site is Wikipedia, the web-based free encyclopedia.
Milwiki MilWiki is based on open source software, extended to handle geographical information. Milwiki was used in an exercise at Demo 06 Vår. The results of the experiment are documented in FOI Memo MilWiki is based on open source software, extended to handle geographical information. Milwiki was used in an exercise at Demo 06 Vår. The results of the experiment are documented in FOI Memo At the Armed Forces C2 Development Centre in Enköping, FOI has introduced MilWiki, a wiki for military knowledge base management.
Civil crisis scenario London bombings 2005: The public used blogs and photo sharing on the Internet to share observations and experiences. The page “7 July London bombings” was created on Wikipedia and then continuously updated. London bombings 2005: The public used blogs and photo sharing on the Internet to share observations and experiences. The page “7 July London bombings” was created on Wikipedia and then continuously updated. Similar behavior appeared during hurricane Katrina in August A non-public wiki for on-the-fly information gathering could be valuable to authorities trying to create a picture of a chaotic situation. Similar behavior appeared during hurricane Katrina in August A non-public wiki for on-the-fly information gathering could be valuable to authorities trying to create a picture of a chaotic situation. In a large-scale civil crisis scenario, normal sources and paths of information will not function optimally.