Using RSNA’s Teaching File Software (MIRC): A Hands on Course Mary Wyers, MD
Learning Objectives Learn how to use the RSNA’s teaching file software, MIRC, to access and create teaching file cases with text and images. Learn how to use the RSNA’s teaching file software, MIRC, to access and create teaching file cases with text and images. Learn how to annotate images. Learn how to annotate images. Create one basic teaching file case, and one advanced teaching file case. Create one basic teaching file case, and one advanced teaching file case. Understand basic features of MIRC such as searching for cases, making cases private or public, and using the system with residents & fellows. Understand basic features of MIRC such as searching for cases, making cases private or public, and using the system with residents & fellows.
MIRC overview MIRC stands for Medical Imaging Resource Center MIRC stands for Medical Imaging Resource Center Free, open-source software from the RSNA Free, open-source software from the RSNA Online database, or library of cases Online database, or library of cases Users can access MIRC from any computer connected to the internet or a hospital network. Users can access MIRC from any computer connected to the internet or a hospital network. The user can search for and display cases based on query selections, or search fields. The user can search for and display cases based on query selections, or search fields. Multiple libraries, or MIRC sites, may be linked together online, so that a user can search multiple places at once. Multiple libraries, or MIRC sites, may be linked together online, so that a user can search multiple places at once.
Flexibility of the MIRC program Where to put MIRC: Where to put MIRC: Teaching purposes on a private, individual laptop Teaching purposes on a private, individual laptop Public site on a hospital network Public site on a hospital network Public site on a server, for use on the internet. Public site on a server, for use on the internet. Note that private cases can also be stored on a public site. Note that private cases can also be stored on a public site. MIRC can run on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, etc. using multiple browsers (IE, firefox, safari) MIRC can run on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, etc. using multiple browsers (IE, firefox, safari) Document types: Document types: Teaching Files Teaching Files Power point presentations Power point presentations Research date for clinical trials Research date for clinical trials Files can be downloaded from a MIRC site, and hyperlinks to other web content are supported. Files can be downloaded from a MIRC site, and hyperlinks to other web content are supported.
A few other features... Dicom images may be sent directly from your PACS station to MIRC (IHE TCE). Dicom images may be sent directly from your PACS station to MIRC (IHE TCE). Powerpoint tool: converts powerpoint presentations to teaching files. Available on the MIRC wiki site ( Powerpoint tool: converts powerpoint presentations to teaching files. Available on the MIRC wiki site ( Conferences Conferences
What do you need to run a successful MIRC site? A reasonably modern computer to host the program. A reasonably modern computer to host the program. See mircwiki site for details about hardware considerations See mircwiki site for details about hardware considerations Hard drive storage dependent on individual purposes and anticipated growth. Hard drive storage dependent on individual purposes and anticipated growth. Three free programs: the actual MIRC program, Java, and Tomcat. Three free programs: the actual MIRC program, Java, and Tomcat. An individual needs to assume the role of administrator. An individual needs to assume the role of administrator. Duties include maintenance of the site and software upgrades. Basic computer skills are needed. Duties include maintenance of the site and software upgrades. Basic computer skills are needed. Cases can come from medical students, residents, or attending radiologists, who input text and images directly into the program through a web-based “author service”. Any computer which has access to your MIRC site can be used to input cases. Cases can come from medical students, residents, or attending radiologists, who input text and images directly into the program through a web-based “author service”. Any computer which has access to your MIRC site can be used to input cases.
Some terminology This page is called the query page, or “query service”. A user can search for specific types of cases by typing text into these boxes
Some terminology These subdirectories or libraries are called “storage services”
After the “Go” button is selected, a list of cases is generated, which looks like this.
The list can also be displayed with image icons.
Standard teaching file format
Image Annotation screen
Personal filing cabinet
Cases can be displayed with a title or without. Conferences
The Input Queue: Using MIRC with residents and fellows
Where to get MIRC Free software and all documentation are at: Free software and all documentation are at: The RSNA also runs a MIRC site at: The RSNA also runs a MIRC site at: The RSNA MIRC site allows users to access materials published by participating sites around the world. The RSNA MIRC site allows users to access materials published by participating sites around the world. Need help? Join the MIRC community or ask questions on the RSNA’s MIRC forum: Need help? Join the MIRC community or ask questions on the RSNA’s MIRC forum: