1 TCEQ Drinking Water Sample Collector Training October 2006 Alicia Diehl TCEQ Public Drinking Water Section UCMR Sampling TCEQ Drinking Water Sample Collector.


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Presentation transcript:

1 TCEQ Drinking Water Sample Collector Training October 2006 Alicia Diehl TCEQ Public Drinking Water Section UCMR Sampling TCEQ Drinking Water Sample Collector Training October 2006 Alicia Diehl TCEQ Public Drinking Water Section

2 UCMR Sampling Outline History = “Why” History = “Why” Sample Types = “What” Sample Types = “What” Sample Sites = “Where” Sample Sites = “Where” Applicability = “Who” Applicability = “Who” Frequency = “When” Frequency = “When” Methods = Gary’s talk later Methods = Gary’s talk later

3 Why?

4 Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation (UCMR) Congress told EPA to seek new health risks Congress told EPA to seek new health risks Look at occurrence and health risks Look at occurrence and health risks EPA created UCMR program EPA created UCMR program Looks at occurrence through sampling program Looks at occurrence through sampling program Other programs look at health risk Other programs look at health risk EPA created Contaminant Candidate List (CCL) EPA created Contaminant Candidate List (CCL) List of contaminants that are List of contaminants that are Not regulated by national primary drinking water regulations Not regulated by national primary drinking water regulations Known or anticipated to occur at PWS, and Known or anticipated to occur at PWS, and May warrant regulation under SDWA May warrant regulation under SDWA Currently: Currently: CCL2 contains 26 unregulated contaminants CCL2 contains 26 unregulated contaminants Sampling will occur July 2007 through June 2010 Sampling will occur July 2007 through June 2010

5 UCMR: Regulatory status EPA will adopt rule in December (?) EPA will adopt rule in December (?) Current version is ‘proposed’ Current version is ‘proposed’ Direct implementation by EPA Direct implementation by EPA TCEQ has agreement to assist with implementation TCEQ has agreement to assist with implementation But EPA will send letters to PWSs But EPA will send letters to PWSs Questions can be directed to Mike Howell at TCEQ (512/ ) Questions can be directed to Mike Howell at TCEQ (512/ )

6 What?

7 UCMR Sample Types Two “sets” with three methods each Two “sets” with three methods each List 1 = Assessment Monitoring List 1 = Assessment Monitoring List 2 = Screening Survey List 2 = Screening Survey

8 UCMR List 1: Assessment Monitoring - Retardants Pesticides and flame retardants EPA Method 527 Explosives EPA Method 529 Perchlorate Maybe Method 314 or….

9 UCMR List 2: Screening Survey Degradates Herbicide degradate products EPA Method 535 Herbicides Alachlor, etc. EPA Method Nitrosamines Potential disinfection byproducts EPA Method 521

10 Where?

11 Sample Sites Entry point sampling, except… Entry point sampling, except… Nitrosamine samples are also collected at the “Maximum Residence Time” location in distribution Nitrosamine samples are also collected at the “Maximum Residence Time” location in distribution TCEQ will get addresses from DBP sites if possible TCEQ will get addresses from DBP sites if possible

12 Who?

13 Subset of Systems required to monitor Large PWS (> 10,000 pop) Large PWS (> 10,000 pop) List 1 List 1 List 2 List 2 Small PWS (< 10,000 pop) Small PWS (< 10,000 pop) List 1 List 1 List 2 List 2


15 When?

16 UCMR Schedule Plan Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule 2 (UCMR 2) Safewater Home UCM Home UCMR 2 Home Fact Sheet Regulation Contaminant List Reporting Methods Laboratories Meetings & Materials Fact Sheet - Proposed Rule Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation (UCMR 2) monitoring is proposed to occur during and includes 26 unregulated contaminants and nine associated analytical methods to be used in this monitoring cycle. The UCMR program was developed in coordination with the Contaminant Candidate List (CCL). The CCL is a list of contaminants that are not regulated by national primary drinking water regulation, are known or anticipated to occur at public water systems, and may warrant regulation under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The data collected through the UCMR program is being stored in the National Contaminant Occurrence Database (NCOD) to support analysis and review of contaminant occurrence, to guide the CCL selection process, and to support the Administrator's determination of whether to regulate a contaminant in the interest of protecting public health. Background About this regulation How did EPA select these contaminants? What are the major differences between UCMR 1 and 2? What are the environmental and public health benefits? What is the EPA Laboratory Approval Program for UCMR 2? Background The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), as amended in 1996, requires EPA to establish criteria for a program to monitor unregulated contaminants and to identify no more than 30 contaminants to be monitored every five years. EPA identified and published unregulated contaminants for the previous UCMR cycle (i.e., UCMR 1), and a revised approach for monitoring, in the Federal Register dated September 17, UCMR 1 established a tiered monitoring approach, and required all large public water systems (PWSs) and a representative sample of small PWSs (serving 10,000 or fewer people) to monitor for unregulated contaminants from (The original unregulated contaminant monitoring program ( ) utilized State primacy and required PWSs serving greater than 500 people to monitor.) Top of page Fact Sheet < UCMR 2 < UCM Home < Safewater < Water < EPA Home Page 2 of 4 ucmr2/factsheet.html 8/22/2006 a: All perchlorate samples must be collected using the sterile technique required in Methods 314.1, 331.0, or factors. What are the major differences between UCMR 1 and 2? Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2 L I S T 1 Medium Systems Small Systems Large Systems L I S T 2 Smaller Systems Larger Systems

17 UCMR Frequency Samples based on OWNED Entry Points Samples based on OWNED Entry Points Not Purchased Entry Points Not Purchased Entry Points GW GW 2 per year (biannual?) 2 per year (biannual?) two times, 6 months apart, during a 12-month period two times, 6 months apart, during a 12-month period SW (and GUI) systems SW (and GUI) systems Quarterly Quarterly four times, every 3 months, during a 12-month period four times, every 3 months, during a 12-month period

18 UCMR Frequency Goal: In the same week of the month Goal: In the same week of the month Example: Example: Groundwater system – one GW entry point Groundwater system – one GW entry point Samples the third week of July 07 Samples the third week of July 07 Samples again the third week of January 08 Samples again the third week of January 08

19 Questions?

20 Bonus Slides

21 Guidance / Training / Treatment Contact EPA EPA Home > Water > Ground Water & Drinking Water > UCM Home > UCMR 2 > Fact Sheet EPA fact sheet ( EPA fact sheet ( EPA implementation contractor Great Lakes Environmental Center (GLEC) eet.html eet.html

22 Agency Assistance Drinking Water Quality Team Public Drinking Water Section (512)

23 Field Values Facility ID Facility ID TPTreatment Plant TPTreatment Plant WLWell WLWell SSSampling Station SSSampling Station OTOther OTOther DSDistribution System DSDistribution System Water Type Water Type GWGround Water GWGround Water SWSurface Water SWSurface Water GUGround Water under direct influence of SW GUGround Water under direct influence of SW MXMixed – any combo of GW, SW, GU MXMixed – any combo of GW, SW, GU Sample Point Type Sample Point Type EPEntry Point EPEntry Point MRMaximum Residence Time MRMaximum Residence Time

24 Large Systems AM and SS (At EP and MR) AM and SS (At EP and MR) PWS ID PWS PWS ID PWS PWS Name City of Beeville PWS Name City of Beeville Facility ID Facility ID Facility Name Well 1 or distribution Facility Name Well 1 or distribution Facility type Well (WL) or Distribution (DS) Facility type Well (WL) or Distribution (DS) Water Type GW Water Type GW Sample Point ID Sample Point ID Sample Point NameTap at Well 1, or Joe’s home, or 3901 Woodsfield Sample Point NameTap at Well 1, or Joe’s home, or 3901 Woodsfield Sample Point Type EP or MR Sample Point Type EP or MR Asso. MR Facility ID Asso. MR Facility ID Asso. MR Sample Point ID Asso. MR Sample Point ID

25 Large Systems (cont) AM only (Not in distribution, only at EP) AM only (Not in distribution, only at EP) PWS ID PWS PWS ID PWS PWS Name City of Palestine PWS Name City of Palestine Facility ID Facility ID Facility Name Well 1 or distribution Facility Name Well 1 or distribution Facility type Well (WL) or Distribution (DS) Facility type Well (WL) or Distribution (DS) Water Type GW Water Type GW Sample Point ID Sample Point ID Sample Point NameTap at Well 1 Sample Point NameTap at Well 1 Sample Point Type EP Sample Point Type EP