Prohip has left its mark on teaching By: Bettan Bagger, RN, in Education, Associated professor - Nursing programme Optional module in nursing programme: Evidence-based nursing – clinical nursing research
Part 1: 2 weeks Focuses upon: Development of nursing practice Lessons in development The focused question Preparation of protocol Questions and eligibility criteria Teaching in method level 1 Critical evaluation of scientific articles Presentation of Prohip projects presented by Develoment nurses Part 2 – 4 weeks Focuses upon: Investigation of nursing practice Questions and eligibility criteria Teaching in method level 2 Implementation Clinical guidelines Systematic review Search string Critical evaluation of scientific articles Checklists Presentation of research presented by ph.D. students Thesis
”It’s great to have produced something that really hits home out there ” (Newly qualified nurses, 2013)
Aim: To investigate whether bladder scan of elective hip patients preoperatively reduces post operative urine retention
Method: Discussing relevance with development nurse and facilitator Relevant? Not relevant?
Keywords - searching in databases: Cochrane, Cinahl and Systematically Cochrane review Critical evaluation using checklists Sparring with librarian and authorized representative from Clearinghouse
Conclusion: The included studies showed statistical significans for orthopaedic surgery patients to develop Post Operative Urine Retention (POUR). No studies concluded that preoperatively bladder scan prevented POUR. But in a nursing perspective bladderscan preoperatively seems to make sense. One of the studies showed data from bladderscan preoperatively - 21 patients had urine volume > 300 ml after urination. Further investigation is needed
Perspectives for Future Practice: Thesis initiated and based on applied research, ongoing research work and development in practice E.g. ph.D. teaches nursing students and ”assists with guidance” (in cooperation with lecturerer) students are obliged to write an article – are obliged to participate in conferences mutual win-win
Students: Professionel development. Standard for future nurses. Hospital: Branding! Professionel development Patients. Evidence based practice. Patient safety Lecturer/facilitator. Articles and abstracts. Enhancing the profile Ph.d. student. Articles and abstracts. Enhancing the profile Nurses: Strengthen professional discussions between nurses mutual win-win Situation
Practical area Theoretical area Bridgeing the Gap?