The Opposite Ends of the Scale. Aim: To research and find out how Leonardo Di Caprio and diamonds are linked to the country at the bottom of the HDI index.
Bottom of the table Sierra Leone Population 5,245,695 (July 2010 est.) Birth Rate: births/1,000 population Death Rate: deaths/1,000 population IMR total: deaths/1,000 live births Life Expectancy: years AIDS deaths per year: 3,300 (2007 est.)
Sierra Leone – The Good
Sierra Leone – The Bad
Top of the table Norway Population: 4,676,305 Birth Rate: 10.9 births/1,000 population 9.26 deaths/1,000 population IMR: 3.55 deaths/1,000 live births Life Expectancy: years AIDS deaths per year: 50
Top of the table
The worlds most expensive city.
Over to you …… Carry out research to produce a comparative display showing the disparities between the top and bottom country of the HDI index. You should include reasons why each country finds itself at the two oppostite ends of the scale. Don’t forget to include key terms that we have learnt about e.g. life expectancy, birth rates, death rates, literacy rates, AIDS infection rates, GDP and the HDI value of Sierra Leone and Norway. Include maps to show locations within the continent of Africa and Europe and photos to show different aspects of life within the country.