Cells – organelles Lesson 4
LO- Level 3 – Name the parts of a cell. Level 4 – To state the function of the parts of an animal and a plant cell. Level 5 – To state the differences between animal and plant cells. Cell clip
Keywords Cell Nucleus cytoplasm cell membrane mitochondria cell wall chloroplast cell vacuole
What are living things made of? Other organisms are multicellular – they are made up of many types of cells. Some organisms are unicellular – they are made up of only one cell. Cells are the building blocks of life. Clip – cells tissues organisation
A section through an animal cell: cell membrane cytoplasm nucleus DNA Mitochondria
Section through a plant cell cell membrane Nucleus contains DNA cytoplasm chloroplast large cell vacuole cellulose cell wall Mitochondria
What is a cell? Animal and plant cells come in different shapes and sizes, but they all have three basic features. Plant cells also have some extra features that make them different to animal cells. cell membrane cytoplasm nucleus animal cell plant cell Most cells have three basic parts: the nucleus, cytoplasm and cell membrane. They may also contain other small structures or organelles, that perform specific jobs. mitochondria
Comparing animal and plant cells Found in both animal and plant cells Found only in plant cells cell membranecellulose cell wall nucleuslarge sap vacuole cytoplasmchloroplast Mitochondria
The parts of a typical animal cell
The parts of a typical plant cell
Functions of the organelles OrganelleFunction Cell surface membrane Controls what goes in and out of the cell. Keeps the cell together. Cytoplasm Jelly-like substance. Where the cell’s chemical reactions take place. Nucleus Contains the DNA. Controls the cell. Cell wall Supports the cell. Made out of cellulose. Cell vacuole Contains cell sap. Helps support the cell Chloroplast Contain chlorophyll, a green pigment. Make the plants’ food by photosynthesis. MitochondriaProduce energy for the cell by respiration.