Welcome to the Frank Elementary Music Classes ! Mrs. Cookus & Mrs. Sharp Room 172 & Room 173
Every day in class we…. Warm up our voices Sing our Memory Song Read rhythms Read pitches in solfa or solfeggio Play musical games with songs we have learned that also teach us musical elements
Sometimes in class we… Play instruments Write and dictate music Sing solos Listen to recordings of Classical music Discuss music history Compose our own music Practice and perform in groups
Rules of our classroom… Move quietly from place to place. Respect the rights and property of others. Demonstrate good character. Keep our hands and feet to ourselves. Raise your hand for permission to speak. Always follow directions and participate.
Music Grades are taken on… Singing the Memory Song for that 9 Weeks While Tapping the Beat Singing and Tapping the Rhythm of the Memory Song Singing and Hand signing the Solfeggio of the Memory Song Playing the Memory Song on Xylophone Music Listening Test Participation in Music Class Audience Etiquette Recorder Practice and Tests
If your child is in 4 th or 5 th Grade… They can join our AWARD WINNING Frank Elementary Choir! Enrollment forms will be going home in mid- September with more information. Chimes ensemble members will be selected from those in our choir.
Recorders Each Fourth and Fifth grade student must bring his/her RECORDER and FOLDER to music by this Friday. Recorders can be bought in the school store for $5.25. –Those that have recorders and folders from last year need to use the same ones for this year. Each student must write his/her name on the case that holds the recorder. – If they have no recorder case, please bring the recorder in a gallon plastic ziploc bag. Third grade students will not need recorders or folders until later this winter. Notes will be sent home at that time.
Contact Information Mrs. CookusMrs. Sharp Please visit our websites via the Frank Elementary School website.
THANK YOU for coming to the Frank Elementary Open House. Have a good evening!