Dominican University of California Liberal Studies Karen Schultz INTEGRATING MUSIC INTO THE CLASSROOM
Arrival Story Purpose and Research Question Review of the Literature Methods Findings Conclusion AGENDA
Attention Deficit Disorder Love of music My use of calming instrumental music
To examine positive music integration in the classroom, especially in the core subject of language arts on K-5 students.
What are the positive effects of integrating music into language arts instruction?
Kouri and Telander (2008) discovered how sung stories brought a richer language to learning deficit students Five week study 30 participants-ranging 5-8 years of age “…linking music with children’s fiction captures children’s imagination and expands their phonological awareness and expressive language” (p. 42). SUNG VERSUS SPOKEN
Legutko and Trissler’s (2012) observed that music in the background enhanced students’ writing abilities Lasted 21 weeks, 2009 9 sixth grade students with learning disabilities 1 public elementary sixth grade classroom “using background music as a means to improving writing ability of students with learning disabilities can be beneficial…and is a sound pedagogy” IMPLEMENTATION OF MUSIC
Darrow, Register, Standley, & Swedenberg (2007) outlined the advantage of music in the classroom on reading comprehension for students 4 week study Second grade- with and with out reading disability “music has the ability to engage most children…motivate children to learn most any subject matter…[and has] potential benefits…[that] improve basic reading skills” (Darrow et al., 2007, p. 36). EFFECTIVENESS OF MUSIC EDUCATION
INTERVIEW PARTICIPANTS Teacher number #1 retired, 25 years experience. Holds M.A. in Fine Arts in World Music and a Ph.D. from India in alternative medicine. Studied with Dr. Shinichi Suzuki at The Talent Institute in Japan. Teacher number # 2 K-5 music teacher. 15 years experience. Holds a B.A in Music and an M.A. in Music Literature. Teacher number #3 first grade elementary school teacher. 4 years experience. Holds a BCLAD credential with an emphasis on Spanish bilingual education.
Demographic Information Name:______ Date:_____ Grade Currently Teaching:_________ City:_________________________ Interview Protocol What do you think are the positive effects music brings out in students? What strategies do you implement to bring music forth in your classroom? How would you incorporate calming music into language arts curriculum? In terms of students who have special needs, how do you think music could help them with a subject like language arts?
Teacher #1 saw the benefits music brings students with learning disabilities when integrated into the background Teacher #2 saw how music could support students while they read and write or do language arts activities Teacher #3 saw how integrating music directly into her curriculum aid’s students while they learn, and skillfully implements language arts requirements
Research Question: What are the positive effects of integrating music into language arts instruction?
Provide calming music in the background: during SSR language arts instruction Integrate directly into lessons IMPLICATIONS
Reading, writing, and comprehension in language arts Engaging and motivate students to keep learning