MUSIC Kerri Clark Music Teacher | Bush Elementary
School Expectations BUSH BLUE DEVILS ARE THE B e Respectful E veryone is Successful S afety First T ake Responsibility
MUSIC Rules Listen when others are talking. Follow directions. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Show respect for school and personal property. Work and play in a safe manner.
MUSIC Expectations Come to class ready to learn about music. Come to class with a positive attitude. Be responsible at all times. Complete and turn in all assignments on time. To ask permission before playing any of the musical instruments.
MUSIC Consequences Individual Behaviors Verbal warning Name on the board and verbal message to the classroom teacher. One (1) tally mark and a written note to the classroom teacher. Two (2) tally marks and a written note to classroom teacher and parent. Three (3) tally marks and an Official Discipline/Behavior form.
MUSIC Consequences Full Class Behaviors Start out receiving five (5) stickers per class time. First warning, the class will loose one (1) sticker. Second warning, the class will loose two (2) stickers. Third warning, the class will loose three (3) stickers. Fourth warning, the class will loose four (4) stickers and a verbal message will be relayed to the classroom teacher. Fifth and final warning, the class will loose all five (5) stickers and a note written to the classroom teacher and principal.