TRAFOON project is funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ ) under grant agreement no Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda Proposition of SRIA draft for WP5 All WP 5 partners , Athens, Greece 1
2 Category: primary production NeedGapEconomi c impact breeding issue, trade off between productivity and quality, organic multy resistant varieties 0Long term high implementation of technical solutions for controlling pest and diseases management in organic and conventional production 3Short term low cost-efficient implementation of water management system 2Medium term medium
3 Category: processing NeedGapEconomi c impact implementation of modern packaging to enhance shelf life to reduce waste and post harvest technology (storage) 2medium term high better implementation of waste management and development of value-added by-products 3Long term high
4 Category: product NeedGapEconomi c impact Reducing the diversity in forms, materials, numbers of packaging by consumer awareness (communicate on local environment, tradition on regional trademark) 2short term high
5 Category: business NeedGapEconomi c impact increase of traditional food awareness (organic) continuous education, information flow and communication 3Medium term high constant improvement of policy conditions for labour management and organization of support 3Medium term high implementation, harmonization and creation of laws and regulation policy 3Long term low new business model (supply chain actor's balance)3Long term
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