1 Courses and Research Yinhai Wang October 7, 2009
2 About Myself
3 Traffic Is Getting Worse Image Source:
4 Why? From the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Statistics % 53.2% 95.7%
5 Countermeasures Construct new roads Reduce traffic Increase capacity of the existing infrastructure by employing ITS technologies Travel demand control Improve transit service
6 Is It a Possible Approach? Do you think we can increase highway capacity by applying advanced technologies?
7 Data Is Crucial for the Success of ITS Quality Data Control Center E-Message Sign ATIS !!
8 Where Are the Data From? Traffic Detection Controller Sensors Data Archive Data Server
9 Details? CEE 579 Advanced Traffic Detection Systems 3 credits. Spring Quarter General introduction to the following systems: Radar gun Remote Traffic Microwave Sensor (RTMS) GPS based vehicle navigation Priority Vehicle Detection Weigh In Motion (WIM) sensors In depth instruction on Inductive loop detection systems Computer vision based detection systems
10 Nationwide Network of Data To a nationwide network of dataFrom Spots of data A Public Private Partnership: shared risk shared benefit shared contribution
11 How To Handle These Data? If loop measurements are archived every 20 second, 4,000 single loop detectors require 24 * 3600 / 20 * 50 * 4000 = 864 MB storage space per day! Remember this is just data from loop detectors. We have also accident data, freight data, video data, …, to deal with! With these data in hand, how to manage and use them sufficiently to support our decision making?
12 That’s Why We Offer CEE 412 CEE 412: Transportation Data Management and Analysis Store and retrieve transportation data efficiently become increasingly important Optimal decisions should be made based on computation results from these available data This course will help to build up fundamental knowledge and skills for database design, data management, and basic skills for transportation analysis.
13 Intelligence Requires Data With good traffic data, we can make our control systems smarter than this. Image Source:
14 Provide the Best Traffic Operations CEE 590 Traffic System Operations (Traffic System Control and Simulation) Traffic Control Systems Traffic Operations Simulation Application Software Vissim
15 Check the Course Websites for Details Details of my courses are available on line at: CEE 412: CEE 579: CEE 590:
16 STAR Lab Smart Transportation Applications and Research Laboratory (STAR Lab): More 112
17 STAR Lab Is Dedicated to Innovative Research Image Source:
18 STAR Lab Research Interests Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Traffic Detection Technologies Traffic Simulation; Traffic Operations; Environmental Impacts of Traffic Operations; and Traffic Flow Theory.
19 STAR Lab Facilities
20 STAR Lab Facilities
21 STAR Lab Facilities
22 Star Lab Research Projects Area-Wide Ramp Meter Control
23 Star Lab Research Projects Incident-Induced Daley Estimation Lane blocking incident Upstream loop station Downstream loop station Vehicle Queue Caused by a Lane-Blocking Incident Driving direction TdTd Time V3V3 V1V1 V2V2 Cumulative Traffic Volume Queuing Diagram for Incident-Induced Travel Delay TrTr
24 Star Lab Research Projects
State of the Art 25 Pedestrian Detection and Tracking BIC(k=1)=2022 BIC(k=2)=1887 BIC(k=1)=2511 BIC(k=2)=3182
26 Star Lab Research Projects ALEDA
27 Star Lab Research Projects HOT Lane Simulation
28 Star Lab Research Projects Source:
29 Star Lab Research Projects
30 Star Lab Research Projects
31 Travel Time Data Collection Bluetooth-Signal-Based Vehicle Tracking Bluetooth signal MAC Address Matching