E motional Disturbances
IDEA Definition A condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects a child’s educational performance…
zAn inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors zAn inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers zInappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances
zA general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression zA tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems
Behaviors zHyperactivity, impulsiveness zAggression, self-injury zWithdrawal, fear, anxiety zImmaturity (crying, tantrums, poor coping skills) zDistorted thinking
Possible Causes zHeredity zBrain disorder zDiet zStress zFamily functioning zSocial maladjustments do NOT qualify
Note: zDiagnosis is based on symptoms, not causes… zSubjective evaluation zAvoid cultural biases
IEP’s Should Address zSupports zPsychological or counseling services zCareer education (vocational and academic) zPositive behavioral interventionsPositive behavioral interventions zStrategiesStrategies
Strategies Should Address: zSocial skills zSelf-awareness zSelf-control zSelf-esteem zAcademics zTips for TeachersTips for Teachers zSample strategySample strategy
Tips for Teachers zSet reasonable goals zProvide specific feedback based on behavior zGive student responsibility zTeach students to reinforce themselves zGive students a chance to show their strengths
zTeach self-management zTeach student to make accommodations zTeach decision making zTeach INCLUDE model to student Conclusion
INCLUDE Model zI dentify classroom demands zN ote student strengths and needs zC heck for potential successes zL ook for potential problems zD ecide on adaptations back
8 Discipline Guidlines z1. Follow positive behavioral interventions written in IEP z2. Do not violate educational rights (regarding expulsions and suspensions) z3. Focus should be on improvement
z4. Punishment procedure must be reasonable -Was rule reasonable? -Does punishment match offense? -Were age and physical condition considered? -Was discipline given without anger?
z5. Try positive procedures first z6. Keep records (behavior, procedures, length of time, results) z7. Consult with IEP team to make changes z8. Recognize appropriate behavior back
Conclusion zThere are many students with emotional disturbances zCan be overwhelming zStudents can be taught behavior management zStudents can succeed
References zSpecial Education zEmotional Disturbance zMonterey County Office of Education disturbances.html disturbances.html