High Performance on the J90 Systems David Turner & Tom DeBoni NERSC User Services Group April 1999
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 2 Philosophical Ramblings Design for optimization? Where to start? When to stop?
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 3 J90 Potential STREAM benchmark results Sustainable memory bandwidth ( John McCalpin, SGI bytes/iter FLOPS/iter COPY a(i)=b(i) 16 0 TRIAD a(i)=b(i)+q*c(i) 24 2
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 4 STREAM Results Machine ncpus COPY TRIAD MFLOPS Cray_C Cray_C Cray_C Cray_J Cray_J Cray_J Cray_T3E Cray_T3E Cray_T3E SGI_Origin_2K SGI_Origin_2K SGI_Origin_2K Sun_UE_ Sun_UE_ Sun_UE_
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 5 STREAM Results (cont.) Machine COPY TRIAD MFLOPS Cray_C Cray_J Compaq_AlphaServer_DS IBM_RS Cray_T3E SGI_Origin_2K Generic_440BX_ Sun_Ultra Sun_UE_ Apple_Mac_G3_
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 6 Tools F90 (with lots of options) ja./name ja -cst -n name hpm prof flowview atexpert
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 8 No Optimization f90 -O0 -r6 -O,msgs,negmsgs -o slow slow.f90 x = RANF() cf f90:VECTOR SLOW,File = slow.f90, Line=8 A loop starting at line 8 was vectorized. y = RANF() cf f90:VECTOR SLOW,File = slow.f90, Line=9 A loop starting at line 9 was vectorized.
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 9 Moderate Optimization f90 -O1 -r6 -O,msgs,negmsgs -o slow slow.f90 do j = 1, 10 cf f90:VECTOR SLOW,File = slow.f90,Line=10 A loop starting at line 10 was not vectorized because it contains input/output operations at line 14. DO i = 1, DIMSIZE cf f90:VECTOR SLOW,File = slow.f90,Line=11 A loop starting at line 11 was vectorized. z(i) = LOG(SIN(x(i))**2 + COS(y(i))**4) cf f90:SCALAR SLOW,File=slow.f90,Line=12 An exponentiation was replaced by optimization. This may cause numerical differences.
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 10 High Optimization f90 -O3 -r6 -O,msgs,negmsgs -o slow slow.f90 cf f90:TASKING SLOW,File=slow.f90,Line=10 A loop starting at line 10 was not tasked because it contains input/output operations at line 14. cf f90:TASKING SLOW,File=slow.f90,Line=11 A loop starting at line 11 was tasked.
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 11 Optimization Results Opt NCPUS Elapsed User Sys
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 12 2 CPU Speedup (Concurrent CPUs * Connect seconds = CPU seconds) * = * = (Concurrent CPUs * Connect seconds = CPU seconds) (Avg.) (total) (total) * =
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 13 3 CPU Speedup (Concurrent CPUs * Connect seconds = CPU seconds) * = * = * = (Concurrent CPUs * Connect seconds = CPU seconds) (Avg.) (total) (total) * =
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 14 4 CPU Speedup (Concurrent CPUs * Connect seconds = CPU seconds) * = * = * = * = (Concurrent CPUs * Connect seconds = CPU seconds) (Avg.) (total) (total) * =
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 15 Useful F90 Options -e (0 or i) - initializes storage or flags use of unitialized vars -e n - flags nonstandard fortran usage -e v - make all variables static -g - same as -G0 -G (0 or 1) - sets debugging level to statement or block -m (0 - 4) - message verbosity (0 gives most output) -N (72, 80, or 132) - source line length -O - Optimization levels 0,1,2,3, aggress, fastint, msgs, negmsgs, inline(0-3), scalar(0-3), task(0-3), vector (0-3) -r (0-6, …) - listing levels (6 is EVERYthing) -R (a, b, c) - runtime checking: args, array bounds, indexing
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 16 Using flowtrace/flowview f90 -O1 -ef -o slow slow.f90./slow flowview -Luch > slow.flow Routine Tot Time Percentage Accum% SUB2 5.66E SUB1 2.43E SLOW 1.11E
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 17 Using prof f90 -O1 -l prof -o slow slow.f90./slow prof -x./slow > slow.prof profview slow.prof
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 18 profview Output
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 19 Optimization Strategies First, let the compiler do it Vectorize and scalar optimize, then parallelize Vectorization can give you a factor of 10 speedup Scalar optimization can improve performance by % Parallelism will give you a linear speedup, max Memory contention inhibits gains from parallelism Let the compiler advise you Add directives where appropriate Be sure you tell the truth Check your answers
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 20 Scalar Optimization Subroutine or function inlining Fast (32-bit) integers -Oallfastint -Ofastint Use INTERFACE specifications if passing array sections
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 21 Vectorization
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 22 Inhibitors to Vectorization Function or subroutine references Inline Push loop Split loop Backwards data dependencies Reorder loop, use temporary vector I/O statements Character or bit manipulations Branches into loop or backward out of loop
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 23 Nonvectorizable Code DO I = 1, N CALL CALC(X(I), Y(I), Z(I)) ENDDO... SUBROUTINE CALC(X, Y, Z) Z = ALOG(SQRT((SIN(X) * COS(Y)) ** X)) RETURN END
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 24 Inlining DO I = 1, N Z(I) = ALOG(SQRT((SIN(X(I))*COS(Y(I)))**X(I))) ENDDO
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 25 Pushing CALL CALC(X(I), Y(I), Z(I), N)... SUBROUTINE CALC(X, Y, Z, N) DIMENSION X(N), Y(N), Z(N) DO I = 1, N Z(I) = ALOG(SQRT((SIN(X(I))*COS(Y(I)))**X(I))) ENDDO RETURN END
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 26 Splitting DO I = 1, N A(I) = ABS(CALC(C(I))) B(I) = A(I) ** T * SQRT(C(I)) A(I) = SIN(ALOG(C(I))) ENDDO
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 27 Splitting (cont.) EXTERNAL CALC DO I = 1, N A(I) = ABS(CALC(C(I))) ENDDO DO I = 1, N B(I) = A(I) ** T * SQRT(C(I)) A(I) = SIN(ALOG(C(I))) ENDDO
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 28 Scalar Recurrence DIMENSION A(1000), C(1000) DO J = 1, M S = BB DO I = 1, N S = S * C(I) A(I) = A(I) + S ENDDO Loop starting at line 7 was unrolled 16 times.
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 29 Scalar Recurrence (cont.) DIMENSION A(1000), C(1000), S(1000) DO I = 1, M S(I) = BB ENDDO DO I = 1, N DO J = 1, M S(J) = S(J) * C(I) A(I) = A(I) + S(J) ENDDO Loop starting at line 5 was unrolled 2 times. A loop starting at line 5 was vectorized. A loop starting at line 9 was vectorized.
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 30 Compiler Vector Directives CDIR$ directive !DIR$ directive VECTOR, NOVECTOR Turn vectorization on or off until end of program unit. IVDEP Ignore vector dependencies in next loop.
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 31 Parallel Computing Multitasking, microtasking, autotasking, parallel processing, multiprocessing, etc. This is “fine-grained” parallelism parallelism mostly comes from loop slicing One possible goal: parallelize outer loop(s), vectorize inner loop(s) F90 is capable of autotasking, but it can always benefit from help
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 32 Parallelism
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 33 Parallelism, cont.
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 34 Data “Scoping” DIMENSION A(N) SUM = 0.0 DO I = 1, N TEMP = DEEP_THOUGHT(A,I) SUM = SUM + TEMP * A(I) ENDDO A, N Shared, read-only everywhere I, TEMP Private, read-write everywhere SUM Shared, read-write everywhere
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 35 Compiler Tasking Directives DIMENSION A(N) SUM = 0.0 !MIC$ DOALL SHARED(A,N),PRIVATE(I,TEMP) DO I = 1, N TEMP = DEEP_THOUGHT(A,I) * A(I) !MIC$ GUARD SUM = SUM + TEMP !MIC$ ENDGUARD ENDDO
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 36 Threshold Test DIMENSION A(N) SUM = 0.0 !MIC$ DOALL VECTOR !MIC$ IF(N.GT.1000) !MIC$ SHARED(A,N),PRIVATE(I,TEMP) DO I = 1, N TEMP = DEEP_THOUGHT(A,I) !MIC$ GUARD SUM = SUM + TEMP * A(I) !MIC$ ENDGUARD ENDDO
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 37 Helping F90 with Parallelism DIMENSION A(N), SUM(NumTasks) !MIC$ DOALL SHARED(A,N),PRIVATE(J,I,TEMP) DO J = 1, NumTasks SUM(J) = 0.0 !MIC$ CNCALL DO I = 1, N SUM(J) = SUM(J) = DEEP_THOUGHT(A,I,J) * A(I) ENDDO DO J = 1, NumTasks TSUM = TSUM + SUM(J) ENDDO
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 38 Helping F90 with Directives Useful compiler directives for tasking CASE, ENDCASE CNCALL DOALL DOPARALLEL, ENDDO GUARD, ENDGUARD MAXCPUS NUMCPUS PERMUTATION PARALLEL, ENDPARALLEL These all begin with !MIC$ NOTE: There are also OpenMP directives...
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 39 Helping F90 with Directives, cont. Directive Parameters AUTOSCOPE IF MAXCPUS PRIVATE SAVELAST SHARED Directive Work Distribution CHUNKSIZE GUIDED NCPUS_CHUNKS NUMCHUNKS SINGLE VECTOR These all augment !MIC$ directives NOTE: There are also OpenMP directive parameters...
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 40 atexpert f90 -eX -O3 -r6 -o slow slow.f90 setenv NCPUS 1./slow atexpert
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 41 atexpert Output
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 42 atexpert Output, cont.
13 April, 1999 High Performance on the J90 Systems 43 atexpert Output, cont.