What is a rubric? No, it’s not just a cube.
Your assignment … Draw an animal.
What did you notice? Some scores were high and while others were low. Did you know why a paper scored how it did?
What would have helped? How about if there was a way to tell what the teacher was looking for? What if you knew before you started working, what was important and what wasn’t?
Will this score/grade make you a better student? How can you know what to work on if you don’t know why you received the score you did? How can you fix it if you don’t know what is broken?
Before you write You need to study the rubric. Ask yourself: What is graded? How is it graded? What is the most/least important?
While you write Check the rubric to make sure you are still on course. It’s not too late to change/add/edit.
After You Write Compare your work to the rubric. Did you… Address all the requirements? Give yourself an honest score? As yourself what you can improve?