A CRITERION BASED SCORING GUIDE. The criteria are qualities that must be met for student work to measure up to a standard.
What is the value of a rubric? The person assessing student work is able to make reliable judgments about the quality of the work as it aligns to the standards. It enables students to self-assess their work against the standards.
What makes a good rubric? A good rubric answers the question “what does understanding or proficiency for an identified criterion look like?” The rubric uses several distinct criteria to evaluate student work. Work is assessed several times using the lens of each separate criteria.
What are you assessing? When you use a rubric, you are assessing what you determine is acceptable standards-based work.
How do you develop a rubric? The criteria are selected before you design the performance task. You determine how much weight each criterion should receive. For example, is one criterion weighted more than another? Or are you assigning equal weight to each criterion?
POSSIBLE WEBSITES http//rubistar.4teachers.org