November 2, 2009 Answer each question in complete sentences. 1.Based on your effort, participation, and behavior in this class are you being the type of student that has been achieving expectation #1 (STUDEN WORK SHOULD IMPROVE AS THE SEMESTER PROGRESSES)? If so, explain how? If not explain why? And What you will do to correct the situation? 2.Looking into the future at what you want your life to look like, are your actions taking you in that direction? DRILL U3b-L5
Unit 3a (the Big Idea) Unit 3b (Engineering Design Process) AND Flight Power TEST NEXT FRIDAY U3b-L5
REVIEW Unit 3a – The Big Idea What is engineering? Engineering is the systematic application of scientific, mathematical, and technical principles that yields tangible end products that meet our needs and desires. Personal characteristics of engineers 1.Creativity 2.Resourcefulness 3.Ability to think abstractly U3b-L5
REVIEW Unit 3a – The Big Idea 8 Constraints on the 1.Safety – is the product safe to use? 2.Reliability – will it work consistently over time? 3.Cost – is it affordable? 4.Quality Control – does it meet customer requirements? 5.Environmental Concerns – does it harm the natural or human environment negatively? 6.Manufacturability – can it be made? 7.Maintenance – how easily can it be maintained or upheld? 8.Ergonomics – how efficiently can the human body utilize it? Design Process U3b-L5
REVIEW Unit 3a – The Big Idea 4 design principles 1.Design is the result of a formal, sequential process. 2.Design is driven by profit motive and market ($ or not). 3.Design is the result of goal-oriented research. 4.Designs must be continually checked, refined, and improved U3b-L5
5 major components of 1.Goals Humans develop technology to meet needs or wants Each artifact meets more than one goal 2.Inputs Resources that go into a system and are used by it 3.Processes Design Process, Production Process, Mgt. Process 4.Outputs Technological systems are designed to produce specific outputs. Manufactured products, constructed structures, communicated messages, transported people or goods. Desired and Undesired 5.Feedback and Control Using information about the outputs to regulate the system. REVIEW
A volunteer is needed to complete the Technological System Components represented in a flow chart (teacher press “ctrl P” for pen, “ctrl E” for eraser): INPUTSPROCESSESOUTPUTS GOALS FEEDBACK Control U3b-L5
Unit 3b – The Engineering Design Process 7 inputs into all technological systems 1.People 2.Information 3.Time 4.Capital ($) 5.Machines and tools 6.Materials 1.Natural – found in nature 2.Synthetic – human-made 3.Composite – mixture of natural and synthetic 7.Energy REVIEW U3b-L5
Unit 3b – The Engineering Design Process Terms: –Risk Analysis: an analysis of a technology that minimizes the likelihood of undesired outputs –System: a technology or process that has many parts, and each part has a relationship to each other and the whole –Criteria: a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based –Constraint: a limit or restriction to the design process –Prototype: a working model used to test design ideas –Engineering: the systematic application of scientific, mathematical, and technical principles that yields tangible end products that meet our needs and desires. REVIEW
1.What are the three types of engine? 2.Where are steam engines primarily used today? 3.What is known as the capacity for doing work and overcoming resistance? U3b-L5 1. Internal Combustion, External Combustion, Gas Turbine 2. Power plants 3. Energy Classwork Review Write in your notebook and answers will be given.
1.Humans and animals use ________ as energy source. 2.What is work? 3.What’s the equation for work? 4.Where is the power developed in an engine? 5.An engine turns _________ motion into _________ motion. U3b-L5 Classwork Review Write each in your notebook answer will be given Food Exertion of a force over a given distance. The cylinder W = F x D (Work = Force x Distance) LinearCircular
Sketch and label the components: W = P = R = C = V = U3b-L5 Classwork Power Review Cylinder Wall Piston Connecting Rod Crankshaft Valves
U3b-L5 MOUSE TRAP CAR? DID YOU COMPLETE STEPS 1-4? Design Project #1 Objective: To enable you to understand and use the Engineering Design Process
U3b-L5 Complete steps 1-4 of the “mouse trap car” project. Follow the rubric to ensure a high score. CLASSWORK -Read “Technology Explained: Hybrid Vehicles.” -On a separate sheet of paper, answer the questions on the sheet that follow the reading. “HYBRID VEHICLES”
U3b-L5 -Finish Hybrid Vehicles Assignment. -Complete steps 1-7 of the “Mouse trap car” project. Follow the rubric to ensure a high score. -Study for TEST Friday 07, NOV. HOMEWORK