Welcome to Seminar! HU 300: Unit 2 Enjoy the “Calliope music” and feel free to chat as you come into the course. We’ll begin at 2pm. Music Courtesy of Steamboats.org ART!
Today’s Agenda: 1. Considering your final project – Due Week 9, but begin thinking about it today! 2. Week 2’s Project: Due next Tuesday, 3/15 by 11:59PM 3. Realism vs. Abstract Art Post-Impressionism, Surrealism, Cubism and other forms of Modern Art
TIME CAPSULE: Due in Unit 9 Your Final Project for this course will be a virtual time capsule. A time capsule is a grouping of items for future discovery. For our purposes, we will imagine that our time capsule will be buried at the end of the course and opened 100 years later. The goal of our capsule is to provide an overview of what you believe future generations should remember about the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. The project can be composed in Microsoft Word or Powerpoint. It can include multimedia if you wish. It should include the following eight parts:
TIME CAPSULE: Due in Unit 9 1. A letter of introduction to tell someone in the future about your day-to- day life. What is your daily experience? Tell this person about your habits, your customs, your feelings about our present time, and your dreams for the future. 2. An example of morality and decision-making in current culture in 100 words or more. 3. Your definition of happiness in 100 words or more, including how you came to this view.
TIME CAPSULE: Due in Unit 9 4. Next, you will also choose an artifact for each of the following areas (4-8). You will explain the item in one paragraph, giving it context, and describing it. Then spend at least one paragraph justifying its inclusion in the time capsule: Why is this item worth preserving for the future, and what does it communicate about our culture today? Why this object above all the other possibilities? a) A significant literary work (poem, short story, play, or novel.) b) A significant example of art or architecture. c) A significant song or group of songs. d) A significant film. e) A significant item from popular culture (a toy, gadget, fad, etc.)
TIME CAPSULE: Due in Unit 9 Please feel free to include examples that you discovered in our studies this term. Challenge yourself to choose items that might be valuable for the future, though they might not necessarily be your favorites. Cite sources if you use them. As always, contact your instructor if you have questions. Your final project must be original work written for this class. This means that you must be the author (turning in a project written by someone else is plagiarism and will not be tolerated) and you must not have turned in your project (or another version of it) for a grade in another class. The final project will be due at the end of Unit 9.
Project Week 2 - Part I For this project, we will give a detailed analysis to both a piece of architecture and a work of art. However, we will examine art in your community and life. The objective of the assignment is to apply the concepts from the chapter to art and architecture in daily life. Choose a piece of art and architecture that are from the 20th Century or Beyond! “Take a field trip around your neighborhood, city, or region. Find one example of architecture that catches your attention. Explain what you see in detail. Discuss the elements of form and function. Which concepts from the chapter reading are applied in this work? Researching the style may help you to add credibility to your analysis. Cite the chapter, and make it clear how you see the architectural terms in use.”
Project Week 2 - Part II “Next, find a piece of art. Consider civic art, sculpture, an image you have in your home, graffiti, street performance, or an art experience that you find engaging. Start by describing the work of art. Use terminology from the text. You may consider the following questions: What is the medium? When was the work made? Is the work abstract or representational? You may find the flashcards in this week's My Humanities Kit to be helpful. Also, discuss the purpose of this work of art, and what it means to you? Which terms from the chapter reading are applied in this work? Cite the chapter, and make it clear how you see the art concepts in this practice.”
Project Week 2 - Don’t forget… The essay should contain both Part I and II. It should be at least 750 words and must employ terms from the text and unit materials. The project may be completed in Microsoft Word or in Powerpoint. Even in Powerpoint notes and slides, the word count must be met. You are welcome to attach or include photos of the works of art and architecture that you have chosen. Cite any sources in APA style. Check the APA Quick Reference under Course Home for tips, or check the Writing Center for proper citation.
Project Week 2 – Essential Advice: Grade Rubric As with every assignment in this course: learn the grading rubric! This is what the rubric offers for an A paper ( points): Essay demonstrates ability to express and evaluate values and terms of art or architecture. Project explains the purpose of art to the individual and its universal appeal. Project uses vocabulary terms from the unit. Project is clearly written. Project meets posted length requirements.
Art What is the purpose of art? Michelangelo’s David
What is Modern Art? Until the last quarter of the 19 th century, art was bound by tradition – it sought to imitate the world. In the late 1800’s, artists broke tradition by beginning to create images that was based on what they as individuals saw and not necessarily how the rules of the past said they had to create. Modern and postmodern art seeks to alter. “They want to impose something new on the world, some secret part of themselves” (Janaro p. 107). Modern art might, at first, seem to have no point! What’s the logic behind it? “Modern artists impose their own rules upon their own work” (Janaro p. 107). Let’s talk about context. What shaped these artists’ ways of thinking (turn of the twentieth century and beyond…)?
“What’s it a painting of ?” Some art aims to be a clear imitation of the physical world. “ Representational ” is one word to describe imitative art, because the artwork represents the physical world. “ Realism ” is another word for representational art. When realism extremely exact it’s generally called “ photo-realism ”. Other art doesn’t imitate anything from the physical world at all; in fact, none of the objects are recognizable. We call this Abstract art. I see a square with a line. “Abstract art renders a visual depiction of concepts in the artist’s mind”. And in some art we can make out what certain things are, but they are arranged in a very unrecognizable contexts. Ants on a dripping clock with a tree growing out of the table? Come again? Surrealism. This is still representational art, but deals more with the subconscious, than our conscious world.
Central questions... What does the art do or offer that’s different from the scene itself? Why is every artist’s version of the same scene different?
POST-IMPRESSIONISM Starry Night Over the Rhone, Vincent van Gogh, 1888.
CUBISM What is it? Who are the key artists? Woman Seated In A Garden by Pablo Picasso, 1938
SURREALISM The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali, 1931
Kandinsky What is your reaction to this work of art? Does it speak to you? It only vaguely suggests recognizable images. Improvisation 30. Wassily Kandinsky
Art can often mean different things to different people. Is this a strength or a weakness? Does art have to be beautiful to be art? No 63. Mark Rothko, “Multiform painting”
How is art used to convey messages other than beauty? Olympia. Edouard Manet