ESSAY WRITING AIM: How to maximize points on a Thematic or DBQ Essay Do Now: Take a Thematic Essay Rubric Understanding the Rubric
The Rubric There are certain steps you must achieve in order to maximize points on your essay. The minimum score you need to achieve is a three (3) As long as you follow the Regents Formula
A Closer Look at the Rubric Score of 0 Fails to address the theme, is illegible, or is a blank paper Score of 1 Shows a very limited understanding of the theme or problem Lacks an analysis or evaluation of the issues and events Attempts to complete the task, but demonstrates a major weakness in organization (No Introduction or No Conclusion) Introduces little or no accurate or relevant facts, details, or examples Fails to introduce or summarize the theme or problem
A Closer Look at the Rubric Score of 2 Shows a limited understanding of the theme or problem Attempts to address the task Develops a faulty analysis or evaluation of issues and events Includes few facts, examples, and details, and may include information that contains inaccuracies Is a poorly organized essay, lacking focus Fails to introduce or summarize the theme or problem
A Closer Look at the Rubric Score of 3 Presents a satisfactory understanding of the theme or problem Addresses most aspects of the task or addresses all aspects in a limited way Shows an ability to analyze or evaluate issues and events, but not in any depth Is a satisfactorily developed essay, demonstrating a general plan of organization (has an introduction and conclusion) Includes some facts, examples, and details Introduces the theme or problem by repeating the task and concludes by repeating the theme or problem
A Closer Look at the Rubric Score of 4 Shows a good understanding of the theme or problem Addresses all aspects of the task Shows an ability to analyze, evaluate, compare, and/or contrast issues and events Includes relevant facts, examples, and details, but may not support all aspects of the task evenly Is a well-developed essay, demonstrating a logical and clear plan of organization Includes the theme or problem by establishing a framework that is beyond a simple restatement of the theme and concludes with a summation of the theme or problem
A Closer Look at the Rubric Score of 5 Shows a thorough understanding of the theme or problem Addresses all aspects of the task Shows an ability to analyze, evaluate, compare, and/or contrast issues and events Richly supports essay with relevant facts, examples, and details Is a well-developed essay, consistently demonstrating a logical and clear plan of organization Includes the theme or problem by establishing a framework that is beyond a simple restatement of the theme and concludes with a summation of the theme or problem
Step it Up! Richly Supports With Detail Analyze & Beyond Restatement of Theme Must have an Introduction & Conclusion Address Most Aspects of Task No Introduction and/or Conclusion No Relevant Facts or Details Fails to Introduce Theme Attempts to complete the Task Score of 5 Score of 4 Score of 3 Score of 2 Score of 1 Score of 0 Fails to address the theme, is illegible, or is a blank paper
Classwork: Write a Paragraph by Answering the Following Questions: 1. How do you go from a Score of Zero to a Score of 1 2. How do you go from a Score of 1 to a Score of 2 3. How do you go from a Score of 2 to a Score of 3 4. How do you go from a Score of 3 to a Score of 4 5. How do you go from a Score of 4 to a Score of 5 6. What is the most valuable information you learned in order to achieve a higher score for your Thematic Essay