Groundwater & Climate 71% of Earth is covered by water 97% of water is salt water 2.8% is fresh water 2.2% is in glaciers 0.6% is actually available for use
I. Water Cycle A.Constant circulation of water from ground to atmosphere and back B.Sun provides the energy needed C.Evapotranspiration 1.Process that gets water into atmosphere 2.Evaporation – changing from liquid to gas (ocean is largest source of water) 3.Transpiration – process plants use to put water into atmosphere
I. Water Cycle D.Where rain goes: 1.Evaporation 2.Infiltration – water moving into ground a.Depends on 1)Amount of water in soil a)If soil is full = no water going in = runoff 2)Slope of land a)Gentle slope = infiltration, Steep = runoff
I. Water Cycle 3.Runoff a.Water flowing over the surface b.Rainfall rate is > infiltration rate c.Soil is saturated – pores filled with water d.Slope of surface is too great to allow time for infiltration e.Ground cover slows run-off and increases infiltration f.No infiltration occurs in frozen soil = runoff
Evaporation CondensationPrecipitation Condensation Transpiration Run-off Infiltration Ocean/Water Table
II. Terms A.Porosity 1.Amount of empty space in soil B.Permeability 1.How fast water moves into the soil C.Capillary Water 1.Water that is retained by sticking to soil particles 2.Thin coating of water around soil in zone of aeration
II. Terms D.Capillary Action 1.Upward movement of water against gravity through narrow passages 2.Greatest in narrower passages 3.Greatest in smaller soil particles E.Sorted Soil 1.All particles have the same size F.Unsorted Soil 1.Mixture of different sized particles
III. Effects of Particle Sizes A.Porosity 1.If particles are sorted, porosity is NOT effected by particle size Particle Size Porosity 2.If unsorted, porosity is less because small particles fill the space between large particles
III. Effects of Particle Sizes B.Capillarity (retained water) 1.If particles are sorted, capillarity DECREASES as size INCREASES Particle Size Capillarity
III. Effects of Particle Sizes C.Permeability Rate 1.If particles are sorted, permeability rate INCREASES as size INCREASES Particle Size Perm Rate Particle Size Perm Time
IV. Climate A.Average weather conditions of a region over LONG period of time B.Based on temperature and precipitation 1.Polar – cold all year 2.Tropical – warm all year 3.Temperate – warm summers, cool winters
V. Factors Determining Climate A.Climate Ratio 1.Ratio of precipitation (P) to potential evapotranspiration (Ep) 2.Formula: P / Ep a.Arid (desert) = less than 0.4 b.Semi-arid = 0.4 – 0.8 c.Sub-humid = 0.8 – 1.2 d.Humid = greater than Syracuse = 1.4 = humid
V. Factors Determining Climate Type of climate = arid Location = N. Hemisphere; warmest in July; mid-latitude (has seasons) JanJulyDec DEFICIT SURPLUS Temp (Ep) P (precip)
V. Factors Determining Climate Type of Climate = Humid Location = N. Hemisphere; close to polar area (coastal) JanJulyDec SURPLUS DEFICIT Temp (Ep) P (precip)
V. Factors Determining Climate B.Latitude 1.Temperature a.As latitude increases, temp decreases Latitude Temperature
V. Factors Determining Climate 2.Precipitation a.Equator, 60 ºN, 60 ºS 1)Belts of LOW pressure 2)Rising air, wetter climates b.30 ºN, 90 ºN, 30 ºS, 90 ºS 1)Belts of HIGH pressure 2)Sinking air, drier climates
V. Factors Determining Climate C.Nearness to large body of water 1.Marine climate a.Near water b.Cooler summers and warmer winters c.Small yearly temp range d.More humid 2.Continental a.Inland areas b.Hotter summers and colder winters c.Large yearly temp range d.Drier
V. Factors Determining Climate D.Wind Belts 1.Control flow of moisture 2.Storm tracks (SW to NE) E.Ocean Currents 1.Warm current = warm temp, more moist 2.Cold current = cooler temp, less precip
V. Factors Determining Climate
F.Elevation 1.High elevation = cooler and more precipitation G.Orographic effect 1.Windward side – cooler and more moist 2.Leeward side – warmer and drier