Canterbury Tour Medieval manor Feudalism Review
The Church in The Middle Ages Only One Church in Medieval Europe Catholic Church Catholic means universal Really Powerful Largest buildings Most money Most property
Had its own laws & government Including punishments Made Money from: Tithes: 10% of income Sale of indulgences Pay for forgiveness Performing services
Christians would lose in end Hurt power of Church Kings become more powerful Feudalism begins to end
Pope head of Church Services & Bible in Latin Most people no longer spoke Latin or read at all
Punishments Excommunication Kicked out of church Shunned and outcast from community Sometimes people allowed to kill you. Tortured Heretic fork, questioning chair, iron maiden, garotte, and others
Crusades What: Series of violent religious wars Who: Christians vs Muslims Where: Holy Land (Palestine) Total of 9 Crusades Millions would die, including Lords and Kings Pope declared if you died on crusade you went to heaven