Happy Wednesday!
Announcements Your first Socratic seminar will take place on Friday the 19th (odd blocks) or Monday the 22nd (even blocks). BRING YOUR WWI LETTERS FROM TREE’S CLASS!!!! Your unit assessment will take place on Tuesday the 23 rd (odd blocks) or Wednesday the 24 th (even blocks) If you miss this assessment, you are only allowed one retake for the entire semester. PLEASE BE HERE! I will give you a study guide on the day of your Socratic seminar.
Do Now! Word association: Make a list of words you associate with the title below. Once you have at least five words, grab a marker and write one of them on the board. “The End of Something”
Partner Chit Chat Talk to the person in front of you / in back of you and share the word you wrote on the board. Then, explain why you wrote it. Be ready to share!
Language: Dialogue Direct speech: the exact words spoken, in speech remarks: “Come and eat, Nick.” Reported speech: the narrator reports the information indirectly: Marjorie told Nick to come and eat.
Let’s Read! Please turn to page 31. While following along with the audiobook, please answer the “a” or bolded questions. As always, be prepared to share your answers!
Partner Work With your shoulder partner, work on the “b” questions (1b-b6) Be ready to share your answers with the class!
Short-Answer Response Split a sheet of paper with your shoulder partner. Respond to the following prompt: What effect does the combination of direct and reported speech have on “The End of Something?” Why do you think Hemingway decided to write the story with both?
Writing You will need all three of the stories in front of you to complete this writing assignment. “On the Quai at Smyrna” “Indian Camp” “The End of Something” On a separate sheet of paper, develop a common theme statement (using the three steps) that is found in all three short stories. Then, using your theme statement, develop a one-paragraph response to the following prompt: What theme do all three stories have in common? Provide at least one example from at least two of the works. Cite the text appropriately when needed.
Preparing for a Socratic Seminar Socratic seminar: scholarly discussion in which student opinions are shared, proven, refuted, and refined through dialogue with other students. Students seek to answer an essential question. Example: Let’s watch this video!
Prep Time! Come get materials! Let’s look at page 1 and come up with some additional norms for our seminar Then, take a moment to read pages 2 – 3 Let’s look at the rubric together