3A Module2 Me,my family and my friends Uni t 3 Abou t me Xidu Primary School: Zeng Linghua
Eye and ear and mou t h and nose, Mou t h and nose, mou t h and nose, Eye and ear and mou t h and nose, This is my face. E M E T Sing a song: Eme t
-Wha t can you see? -I can see a/an______. I t ’s_______.
Baa, baa. Look a t me. I’m t all. My hair is long and whi t e. I’m beau t iful. Oink-oink, your hair is long and whi t e. Bu t my hair is shor t. I like your hair. Don’ t cry, Li tt le Lulu. You are a good boy. I can help you. Oh, my hair is long and whi t e. I’m happy now.
hair Look a t my hair. I t ’s _____. My hair is _____ and______. shor t black shor t black My ____ is _____ and______. air pair chair My ____s are _____ and______. [eə ]
Look a t me. I’m big and t all. My nose is long. Look,I can drink wi t h my nose. I’m super. Oink-oink, Your nose is long. Bu t my nose is shor t. I can’ t drink wi t h my nose. I’m sad. Don’ t cry,Li tt le Lulu. You are a good boy. I can help you. Yeah,my nose is long. I can drink wi t h my nose. I’m super.
nose Look a t my nose. My nose is ____. long drink o close open old cold I can ______wi t h my nose. I like my nose. I t ’s super. [əʊ ][əʊ ] play draw
Twee t, t wee t.I’m Miss Bird. I’m small and blue. My mou t h is small and yellow. Lis t en,I can sing wi t h my mou t h. Oink-oink, you’re super t oo. Your mou t h is small and yellow. Bu t my mou t h is big and red. I can’ t sing wi t h my mou t h. I like your mou t h. Don’ t cry,Li tt le Lulu. You are a good boy. I can help you. Yeah,my mou t h is small and yellow. I can sing wi t h my mou t h. I’m super.
mou__ thth I have a big mou t h. You have a big mou t h. Big,big,big. My mou t h is big. Your mou t h is big. Big,big,big. Sing a song: ou [aʊ][aʊ] house coun t mouse A t ongue t wis t er: I am a mouse, a big big mouse. I have a mou t h, a big big mou t h. t hank t hree t hin t h [θ]
Look a t my ____. My mou t h _______. I can ___wi t h my_____. I like my _____.
an eye an ear Eye, eye, an eye. Ear, ear, an ear. Orange, orange, an orange. Apple, apple, an apple. … ︶ ︶
1.I have ___eye. 2.He has ___big and black ear. 3.She has ____hair. 4.I have ____mou t h. Fill in t he blank : an a / a a,an, /
eyes ears Look a t my ____. My eyes __________. I can ___ wi t h my ____. I like my ______. Look a t my _____. My ears ___________. I can ___ wi t h my _______. I like my _____.
Read and choose: 1.My name ______ Mary. 2. He _____ eigh t. He ______ a boy. 3.My nose______small.My mou t h____big. 4.My hair _____long and black. 5.My eyes _____big and black. 6.Your ears_____long. is are is is/are
Miao,miao.I’m _______. Look a t my_____. My ____are ____and _____. I can______wi t h my eyes. I’m _______. Look a t my ______. My ____are ____and _____. I can______wi t h my ears. Ha,ha. I’m super,very super.
Who is he? Oh,no.I’m super. Bu t i t ’s no t me. Don’ t cry, Li tt le Lulu. You are no t beau t iful. Bu t you can wa t er t he flowers. You are a good boy.
Hello,my name is Lulu.I’m small and fa t. My ____ is shor t and red. My ___ is big and red.I can smell wi t h my nose. My ____ is big.I can ea t wi t h my mou t h. My ____ are small and black.I can see wi t h my eyes. My ____are small and red.I can hear wi t h my ears. I like me. I’m happy,very happy. nose mou t h eyes ears hair Lis t en and wri t e: True or false: ( )1.Lulu is and fa t. ( )2.Lulu’s hair is shor t and red. ( )3.Lulu’s eyes and ears are. ( )4.Lulu can wi t h his mou t h. T F F F big small bigsmall singea t
Hello,my name is ____. I’m____. My hair is ___ and ____. My ___ is ___ and __. I can ____ wi t h my ____. …… My ____ are ___ and ___. I can ___ wi t h my ______. …… I like me. I’m happy,very happy. In t rouduce yourself: ( t all 、 shor t 、 fa t 、 red 、、、) ( smell 、 ea t 、 see 、、)
1.Lis t en and follow t he casse tt e(p22) 2.In t roudue yourself t o your friends or your paren t s. 3.Wri t e a passage abou t yourself. (How many s t ars have you go t ? )