PE Please make sure that there are no earrings worn on these days as we are not allowed to remove them. Hair should be tied back for safety. If a child is unable to do PE for any reason I must have a note explaining why (not written in contact book). Please can you send in a tracksuit top and some jogging bottoms for outdoor PE. PE Days are listed on the school website
Reading Reading will be carried out during guided reading sessions in class. Books will not be sent home on a Thursday, as this is when homework is sent home. Books are due in on a Thursday where they will be changed and handed back out on a Friday. They will only be changed once a week and your child may be allocated a task/question to complete. Please ensure that this is completed by your child. Try not to read a whole book in one session. Time could be spent predicting what might happen next or what could happen at the end of the story. Books need to be read a couple of times to consolidate the story. Non-fiction books, poetry, Aesop fables etc are sent home at different times throughout the year to develop skills. It is useful to read other books at home alongside the ORT books, for example books from the local library.
Setting in year 2 Phonics set – Children are streamed according to their knowledge and understanding of phonics. There is a phase 6 set, Phase 5/6 set and a Phase 5/Phonics revision set. Setting in these groups has begun this week. Children who did not pass the Phonics Screening check will be placed in a smaller set as the year goes on in order to prepare for the retake of the check in June Spellings will be completed in these sets every Friday morning. Maths Set – Children will be set according to their mathematical ability. There is a level 3 set where the learning objectives are aimed at high level 2 and level 3 objectives. There are two mixed ability maths set which range from level 1 – level 2 and even some level 3s were achieved this year too. Times table tests will be completed in these sets every Monday morning. We aim to begin streaming after October half term, however this will be decided depending on the needs of the children. Literacy – Children will be taught by their class teacher everyday.
Spellings and Homework Spellings are given out on a Friday to be learnt for the following Friday. Please ensure that your child has their red spelling book every day (in their book bag) as they are sometimes used throughout the week for spelling practise. Encourage your child to practise writing their spellings in the context of a sentence as this helps them to understand the meaning and use of the word. Homework is sent home on a Thursday and should be returned to school. Handwriting at home books will be issued on a different week day depending on which group your child is in – more guidance will be sent next week.
Other information Please can you ensure that names and class are written in all pieces of clothing and on property e.g. water bottles and PE bags. We have already found lots of jumpers and cardigans with no names in. Fruit is provided for each child in the Infants. However, the children can bring in their own fruit in a labelled pot/bag for break if preferred. No party invitations, money or cards for swapping should be in school. If your child is going home with another parent after school please can you put a note in the contact book. If you have a regular arrangement for your child to be collected by certain people on different days (e.g. child minder on a Thursday) please send in a note which can be pinned to the board in class. Any further information/dates etc. will be included in the regular newsletter. The children need a painting apron (for example an old t-shirt) to be kept in school for art. This must be named.
Any questions? Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today we really do appreciate it. Please do not hesitate to see the class teacher at any point in the year should you require it. We look forward to working with you this year.