1. What were the needs and wants of the First Nations and Inuit peoples in the past? A. Fish, furs, minerals, seal oil & pelts, land. B. Cattle, buffalo, horses, iron tools, barns. C. Food, shelter, clothing, timber.
2. How did First Nations and Inuit people produce the things they needed in the past? A. By hand with metal tools & animals. B. By hand, with stone & bone tools. C. By hand, with machinery and factory workers.
3. How did First Nations and Inuit people distribute the things they needed and wanted? A. Buying and selling at markets. B. Picking them up at the post office. C. Sharing and trading.
4. What was the First Nations and Inuit beliefs about the use of land and natural resources? A.People and nature are not separate. Land and natural resources must be used wisely to make sure some exist in the future. B.People and nature are separate. Land and natural resources exist so that people can use them. C.If you owned land or a resource, you had the right to make as much profit from it as possible.
5. What were the three main reasons Europeans came to our region? A. To sell their land; to learn a First Nations language; to get jobs. B. To own more more land; to spread their culture and religion; for economic opportunities. C. To hunt and fish; they had to leave their land; they had things to sell.
6. What was the economic system of Europe based on? A. People and nature are not separate. Land and natural resources must be used wisely to make sure some exist in the future. B. People and nature are separate. Land and natural resources exist so that people can use them. C. If you owned land or a resource, you had the right to make as much profit from it as possible.
7. How did Europeans produce the things they needed up to the 1700s? A. Using sophisticated machines. B. By hand, sometimes with metal tools or the help of animals. C. By hand only, sometimes with bone or stone tools.
8. What was the most common way for goods and services to be distributed in European communities? A. Buying and selling at markets. B. Picking them up at the post office. C. Sharing and trading.
Capitalism vs. Socialism Individual freedom is highly valued. Capitalism What is important to the group matters more than what matters to an individual. Socialism The government takes care of production and distribution. Socialism Individuals own companies that look after production and distribution. Capitalism Whether you can meet your basic needs depends on how wealthy you are. Capitalism Everyone gets what they need. Socialism Cooperation is important. Socialism Competition is important. Capitalism
Poverty You are poor if you are significantly “worse off” than the average Relative Poverty You are poor if you cannot meet your basic needs Absolute Poverty
Job Sectors Label each of the following definitions with the job sectors they describe. Label each of the following definitions with the job sectors they describe. –Work in this sector involves providing services to others. tertiary –Work in this sector involves harvesting or extracting natural resources. primary –Work in this sector deals with ideas and information technology. quaternary –Work in this sector is mostly construction or manufacturing. secondary
Jobs List at least one job for each of the four job sectors List at least one job for each of the four job sectors –Primary Farmer, fisher, logger –Secondary Construction worker, factory worker –Tertiary Doctor, teacher –Quaternary Lab technician, computer programmer