Presentation Skills
What are your concerns about preparing or giving a presentation?
How might these factors affect your presentation preparation? Analyse the brief How long? Where? When? Audience Ask students to work in twos or threes and discuss how these factors might affect a presentation. Feed back. Ensure that the discussion covers the following points. How long – how much you can cover in given time? The longer the presentation the more interactive it should be. Where – what equipment is available? Room layout – do you have the option to change it? Room size – will affect how fast you can speak and therefore how much you can cover in your presentation. People and carpet soak up sound thus demands slower speech. When – after lunch? Don’t drink gallons of juice, this will not help if you are nervous. Last of a run of presentations? If so, probably needs to include more surprises, variation, interactivity. Audience – how much do they know? If you are all studying the same topic you can pitch it at a higher level than if they know very little about the subject. How might these factors affect your presentation preparation?
Structuring your presentation Invite and answer questions Greeting Introduce yourself Conclude talk Summarise main points Once they have got the content sorted, students then need to check the flow / structure of their presentation. For an academic presentation they should follow the ’10 O’clock news’ format as on screen. Outline talk Present main part divided into Point 1, 2 and 3
Preparing a presentation - recap Analyse the brief / task Generate ideas and form content Structure the information Recap, what you’ve covered so far (just as they should in their presentation) Which brings you to the bit about visual aids. Prepare visual aids & prompt cards Rehearse and fine tune
Tips for the presenter Eye contact lots of it, engage, interact Voice projected, varied tone, comfortable pitch, pace Body language open, affirmative, confident, stable, relaxed Appearance covered, comfortable, cool, appropriate Follow up the demonstrations with these points. They should be self explanatory, but may take five minutes to cover in detail. Verbalisms language use, accents, pronunciation, habits
Last few tips be well prepared rehearse and time it feign confidence smile pauses are ok be natural remember it will all be over within minutes Run through these key points