……and feel comfortable with! People Buy From People They Like! The Purpose of this training is to help you prospect more effectively and get your prospects to like and trust you! Prospecting Tips and Scripts
Understanding People! Ruby….Driven by a challange Sapphire… fun, people people Pearl…gentle givers Emerald….detail driven
Prospecting Tips and Scripts 1Attitude, Body Language and Authority ! You are building at Six Figure Business let your posture reflect this ! Imagine how you would feel/Act if you where a diamond in FM earning £15k a month, Approach prospects with that posture now !
Prospecting Tips and Scripts 2. Remember what your are looking for, you are looking for people with desire, not excuses. People who are sick and tired of being sick and tried. Don’t beg, don’t convince Act as CEO of a multi million £ company !
Prospecting Tips and Scripts 3. Smile when you are on the phone! Put a mirror in front of you if need be. You can HEAR A SMILE !
Prospecting Tips and Scripts 4. You need to have energy, and project when you are on the phone. Ensure your tonality is confident even if you have to put it on. Put it on like you put on your jeans. You may like how it feels
Prospecting Tips and Scripts 5. You have to realise what you are not ! And that is not a sales person or telemarketer. This is not a telling and selling business ! You are a business developer ! Not a Sales Person
Prospecting Tips and Scripts 6Be Yourself. If you are yourself, your guard is down and your prospects guard will also be down. Your aim is to build rapport and trust. People can spot fake a mile off !
Prospecting Tips and Scripts 7.Sort ! Don’t beg or convince! FM is a sorting business, some will, some won’t
Prospecting Tips and Scripts 8. Don’t Get Attached To The Yes’s And No’s Your job is to find out who is who. Are they qualified or not ! Don’t try and convert a No to A Yes Unemotionally Categorise ! No’s Here Yes’s Here
Prospecting Tips and Scripts 9. Take Notes Use a contact log to record their needs, goals and strengths etc. The Fortune is in the Follow up!
Prospecting Tips and Scripts 10. Have Fun! Don’t get too uptight of making a harsh of things! While you can get better, more professional at prospecting just remember……… You can’t say the wrong thing to the right person and you can’t say the right thing to the wrong person. Some Will…. Some Won’t ….So What… NEXT !
Prospecting Tips and Scripts