ELEMENTS OF DRAMA Narrative Character Structure Aesthetics
Ways to develop NARRATIVE Build dramatic STRUCTURE Explore CHARACTERS Construct AESTHETICS
Inquiry Statement Throughout this unit we are going to explore whether The story makes the character OR The character makes the story !
JOURNAL To document your learning. In it you should include: Not just what you did but how you applied yourself in the lesson. What your strengths and weaknesses were. What new skills did you learn and how can you apply them in other subjects. Were there any A-HA moments whilst you were working? Why and how did you act on them?
Role Play and Improvisation. TASK In role find out as much information as you can about the Manor. A= A character from Darkwood Village. B= A student who is going to Darkwood Manor. What I’m Looking For: Clear Characters Descriptive Language Open Questions Risk-Taker Inquirer
What did you find out?
What drama terms did we use today? How can you define them? What ‘tips’ should we remember when using role play and improvisation?
What do these reports look like? What kind of language do they use? What do they usually show us?
TASK In groups create a news report about something that happened in Darkwood Manor. W.I.L.F Suitable language Clear Characters Developed storyline Risk-Taker Communicator Reflective NEWSREPORTING
What drama terms should we remember from today? Can you define them in your own words? What tips should we remember when using news reporting?
Lesson 2
- About the narrative? - About the characters?
TASK With a partner, write a diary entry of someone who lived in Darkwood Manor long ago.
Mime and Narration. TASK Create a scene that shows something that happened in the house a long time ago using narration and mime.W.I.L.F Clear narration Use of body language Facial Expressions Clarity Risk-Taker Communicator Inquirer
What drama terms should we remember from today? Can you define them in your own words? What tips should we remember when using diaries/letters, Mime and Narration? And split scene?
Lesson 3 Developing character using explorative strategies: hot- seating, mantle of the expert, good angel/bad angel
TASK ‘hotseat’ As a class to ‘hotseat’ the owner of Darkwood Manor. W.I.L.F Suitable language Open questions Development from previous information Risk-Taker Communicator Reflective Open minded
Mantle of The Expert Acting as a person who knows a lot about a specific subject.
TASK Dr. Wild Is a paranormal activity expert. He has inspected the house for the city council of Darkwood Village. He is here to answer your questions. W.I.L.F Developed Characters Clear objectives – what are you trying to find out? Projection Risk Taker Communicator Knowledgeable
Good Angel/Bad Angel Two actors showing two different points of view.
TASK In groups, create a scene using this element that shows an ‘inner struggle’ of one of the characters we’ve created so far. W.I.L.F Clear Characters Clear objectives – what is your purpose? Developed use of language Projection Risk Taker Communicator Knowledgeable
What drama terms do we have to note today? What is the difference between hot seating and mantle of the expert? What new information did you learn about DWM? What was your impression of Mrs. Darkwood? Did you believe her? Why or why not? As a character, how has she developed the story? Is Mrs. Darkwood making the story? Or has the story made Mrs. Darkwood?
Define drama terms What are some important tips for using good angel/bad angel well? How did this drama activity develop the characters in the story?
Lesson 4 Developing aesthetics using explorative strategies: essence machine.
ESSENCE MACHINE An essence machine is used to summarize an environment or encapsulate an experience through a series of repetitive sounds, movements and gestures. When using essence machines we should aim to create a clear environment and consider how you communicate these ideas using drama mediums and elements.
Lesson 5 OBJECTIVE: Creating structure and aesthetics with explorative strategies.
STILL IMAGES What is a still image? Why would we use a still image? How do you think we create an effective image?
TASK In groups create 3 still images of what happened in the house that night. W.I.L.F Characters Levels and depth to the image Strong use of facial expression and body language Use of staging and space Risk Taker Thinker Knowledgable
Thought Tracking What the character is thinking but not saying out loud!
Find a piece of music that can be used alongside your still images.
Journal What drama terms do you need to define in your own words? What are some tips for using still image well? What are some tips for using thought tracking well? How did the music and lights change the still image performances?