Cybersecurity Essentials Lesson 1 Protecting Your Identity ICT Demonstrate an Understanding of Internet Safety and Ethics 3.08 Identify and apply Copyright Fair Use Guidelines
Privacy What do you like to do online? What does the word “privacy” mean to you? How does the meaning change between the real world and the online world? How is your privacy affected when someone knows your name? your address? How about when someone reads your ? How is it affected when someone follows you around all day? These examples represent a loss of privacy.
My Privacy Everyday - jeunes/fs-fi/day-quotidien_e.asp jeunes/fs-fi/day-quotidien_e.asp think about which of the breaches of privacy discussed here would worry you. Which private information would you not mind sharing with the world? On a separate sheet of paper create a list of 4 online activities, and then rank the breaches from most invasive to least invasive. (exit ticket)
Digital Footprint Every time you go online you leave a trail This is called your digital footprint What kind of digital footprint do you leave behind?
Digital Dossier Dossier - a file of papers containing a detailed report Digital Dossier - a collection of all your online data that includes secure private records as well as your public online identity.
Social Networking Sites and Privacy Social network - an online community of people with a commo n interest who use a website or other technologies to communicate with each other and share information, resources, etc. Social networking sites are one of the most popular online activities and it poses the greatest risk to privacy.
Using Social Networking Safely Go to afetyforkids/4 afetyforkids/4 On a sheet of paper list the guidelines you should follow when using social networks (pg 2) (exit ticket) Do the interactive to learn about creating a social networking profile (pg 3)
Two Kinds of Stupid Discussion Questions On a sheet of paper write down your answers to these questions (exit ticket) Why does Eduardo say he was two kinds of stupid? What could Eduardo have done to prevent the pictures from getting out? What are the possible consequences for posting party pictures online? Other than party pictures, what other kinds of information or images are inappropriate to post online? How do cell phones and social media play a role in how information travels?
Cyber-Safety Techniques Privacy Settings on Social Networking Sites: Facebook - Pintrest - Safely represent yourself in an online profile -
Managing your Digital Footprint 1. Use Privacy Settings 2. Keep A List Of Accounts, then delete the ones you don’t use anymore 3. Don’t Overshare 4. Use A Password Keeper 5. Google yourself 6. Monitor linking accounts 7. Use a secondary 8. You don’t need 12 addresses 9. Sending is like publishing forever 10. Understand that searches are social 11. Use digital tools to manage your footprint Source:
Netiquette Netiquette refers to network etiquette for online communications Netiquette tips: Be respectful. Always treat others as you would like to be treated. A good rule of thumb is not to communicate anything online that you would not be willing to say to a person's face. Don't be too quick to take offense. In online communication, we usually cannot see facial expressions, judge body language, or hear tone of voice. Therefore, it's easy to misinterpret the meaning of a message or post. Also, the technology itself tends to make us less personable. Before taking the offensive, clarify a message with the sender. Use emoticons and abbreviations to convey meaning. To convey tone, humor, and meaning, learn common abbreviations, like lol (laugh out loud) and jk (just kidding), or use emoticons, such as :) or :(. However, be careful not to overuse these symbols or your messages might become annoying or difficult to read. Protect the privacy of others. As a courtesy, you should ask permission before posting photos or videos of others online. You should also protect the addresses of others by deleting them from s you forward. Check your language. Using offensive language online is unpleasant and can cause people to view you negatively. Take a few moments to check your communication before sending it, and avoid using foul or inappropriate language. Source:
Online Predators Online predators are bad people who watch and read your personal information online for the purpose of harassing you or doing you harm. Some of them have a sexual desire for minors and try to involve them in sexual conversations, images and face-to-face meetings for sex.
Video: Six Degrees of Information
Video: your photo fate
Video: Split Decisions