History of Photography
Joseph Niepce 1826 Printed on a pewter plate
Daguerreotype 1839 announced one of the first types of printing: Silver on a copper plate First photographic portrait taken of a human
Roger Fenton 1850s Started to use photography to record events/news Picture to the right is a road filled with cannon balls from the Crimean war “shadow of the valley of death”
George Eastman 1884 revolutionized the process and created “film” This helped make photography more assessable to more people
Eastman - Kodak 1901 “Brownie” First mass produced camera Used with 127mm film
Color Film Autochrome Plate Kodachrome Film
Digital Age: 1990’s Digital cameras started to be mass produced Sensors capture images
Memory Cards Instead of film digital cameras use memory cards Can be used over and over again unlike film.