NIKHEF –D0 meeting, June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam SMT pedestal management Weekly NIKHEF – NIJMEGEN – D0 meeting June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman.


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Presentation transcript:

NIKHEF –D0 meeting, June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam SMT pedestal management Weekly NIKHEF – NIJMEGEN – D0 meeting June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman Summary: Outline of current SMT status What is the next step? SDAQ vs. PDAQ Yet again: Databases The smt_ped_tools Some results

NIKHEF –D0 meeting, June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam SMT status (current) 100% of the SMT is now cabled 95 % of the barrels has been read out For the F-disks and H-disks, this is a bit lower (around 90%) Still some HV problems, nothing major. Still only running in full-readout mode.

NIKHEF –D0 meeting, June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam What is the next step? We can now only run whilst reading out all (=800,000) channels of the SMT. This load is not possible for the DAQ (nor will it ever be) SMT will eventually be running in sparse mode ‘sparse’ = with pedestal subtraction on the svx readout chip (~= ADC) and zero- surpression.

NIKHEF –D0 meeting, June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam What to do: get those Pedestals! Every channel has its own ADC. The pedestal values have only been measured in lab, and even there not very well. When downloading the chip, the pedestals can be set. Pedestal values are retrieved (per channel) in the calibration database and in the online (=‘hardware’) database

NIKHEF –D0 meeting, June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam Pedestal measurement At D0, there are two ways to measure the pedestal values of the silicon 1. Take data and look at the average data per channel (= Primary Data Acquisition) 2. When not running, put charge on every channel and do a raw pedestal measurement. (=Secondary Data Acquisition)

NIKHEF –D0 meeting, June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam SDAQ vs. PDAQ (1) PDAQ + : Use the data you already have to compensate. ‘Standard’ way to do it. PDAQ - : You need data ! (and lots of it) PDAQ - : Cannot readout full SMT unless sparse mode: will only be reading out channel with hit and two neighbors.

NIKHEF –D0 meeting, June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam PDAQ vs. SDAQ (2) SDAQ + : It’s relatively quick.(few hours) SDAQ - : It’s not clear that charge deposition on Si strips has the same result as real life. SDAQ - : Remove SMT from global run. SDAQ - : Program still very unreliable (for instance, it ignores the 9 th chip on 9-chip ladders. 50% of the SMT barrel detectors are 9- chip ladders.)

NIKHEF –D0 meeting, June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam Several SDAQ runs (unbiased ladders) Database problems (solved now) smt_ped_tools (in cvs) ROOT-based gui Create_ntuple program SMT_pedestals.root Some small macros Last few weeks:

NIKHEF –D0 meeting, June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam create_ntuple.x CPP code Uses 2 packages: D0omORACLE Connects to ORACLE calibration DB HepTuple Creates root files Creates root ntuple

NIKHEF –D0 meeting, June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam create_ntuple.x (2) Why not directly in root? Too much trouble with TSQL classes in root. TSQL works (after a lot of work) on linux, when you have administrator privileges. One of the CDF ORACLE gurus recently (last month) got it working at fnal. I decided that it wasn’t worth wile trying, you don’t want to connect to the database every time anyway.

NIKHEF –D0 meeting, June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam Smt_ped_gui.C Uses ROOT ROOT has gui classes Is essentially a big root Macro Plots averages as a function of run number. Options for HDI type selection

NIKHEF –D0 meeting, June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam Smt_ped_gui/rootMacros/ Ready: Channel maps (semi-interactive) Near future: Pedestals as a function of integrated luminosity is dependent of availability of 1.My time 2.Luminosity data (Mike Begel)

NIKHEF –D0 meeting, June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam Results (1) Direct output of smt_ped_tools/ smt_ped_gui.C

NIKHEF –D0 meeting, June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam Results (2) Run Ladder type Barrel 4 Layer 2 Ladder3 Double-sided, 6 svx chips one of the detectors closest to (0,0,0)

NIKHEF –D0 meeting, June 6, 2001 Freya Blekman, NIKHEF Amsterdam Results (3) Run Ladder type Barrel 4 Layer 3 Ladder3 Double-sided, 9 svx chips SDAQ 9 th chip problem visible