sounded remarkable and may motivate me to do a lot more headphone listening… ——Jim Hannon 《 The Absolute Sound 》
Significance of the Nanograde Material Nanometer-thick diaphragm, extremely high in tenacity and low in mass, guarantees perfect dynamic response. So thin it is invisible to the naked eye.
The new HE-1000 nailed least as far as a headphone could on quick listen at a show. "This sounds like a reference level headphone", ——Tyll Hertsen 《 Innerfidelity 》 Advanced Asymmetrical Magnetic Circuit 7 years of research and devotion into the ground-breaking design that approaches perfect sound quality
Inadequate sound openings with a conventional planar driver causes harmful reflections and refractions of sound waves resulting in audible sound distortion. Regular Planar Magnetic DriverHIFIMAN Asymmetric structure HIFIMAN’s advanced non-symmetrical planar driver features a reduced size of the inner magnetic array, optimizing the sound channel to bring livelier and more true-to-life reproduction of live music.
Created to meet the need for driver protection and maximized open back design
Traditional Design would cause interfering sound wave reflection Blinds Grill Design eliminate the reflection Traditional grill with restrictive openings tends to reflect sound waves, causing audible distortion. Traditional Design would cause interfering sound wave reflection Blinds Grill Design eliminate the reflection Blinds Grill reduces sound reflection to gain wider sound stage. Amazing reproduction with an excellent resolution provides greater analytical and detailed sound signature like no other. For the listener, the net effect is not unlike having one’s ears and brain ‘hard-wired’ to the original recording console, which affords an exceptionally intimate view of the music. ——Chris Martens 《 HIFI+ 》
Ergonomic and comfortable design fit for most people, with greater reliability and durability....the ginormous HE-1000 made even my head look tiny. Despite its size, the HE-1000 felt light on the head. ——Jude 《 Head-Fi 》
From the mids through treble, the HE-1000 powered by the EF1000 was overflowing with gobs of finely rendered detail. ——Jude 《 Head-Fi 》
To Be Continued...