DØ Online Workshop3-June-1999S. Fuess Online Computing Overview DØ Online Workshop 3-June-1999 Stu Fuess.


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Presentation transcript:

DØ Online Workshop3-June-1999S. Fuess Online Computing Overview DØ Online Workshop 3-June-1999 Stu Fuess

DØ Online Workshop3-June-1999S. Fuess Outline Online system functions Major system components Event data path Simplified views of the Online system

DØ Online Workshop3-June-1999S. Fuess Online System Functions User interface to Data Acquisition system Detector hardware control and monitoring Detector configuration management Event data readout, collection, and logging Event data monitoring Focus of this workshop

DØ Online Workshop3-June-1999S. Fuess Major System Components Front End processors –within digitizing / readout crates, or... –dedicated to control & monitoring Level 3 system –event building –software trigger Host system –event data routing, logging –run and configuration management –databases Event monitoring processors –farm of analysis nodes Control room stations –DAQ and control system interfaces

DØ Online Workshop3-June-1999S. Fuess Event Data Path Detector L3 VRC Readout Crate Data Cable L3 Filter Ethernet Collector / Router Data Logger RIP Disk FCC L3 VRC Readout Crate Data Cable L3 Filter Ethernet Collector / Router Data Logger RIP Disk Ethernet A,B,C

DØ Online Workshop3-June-1999S. Fuess Component Systems Detector FCC UNIX Servers NT Level 3 Linux PCs Control Room PCs Controls Trigger and Readout

DØ Online Workshop3-June-1999S. Fuess Simplified Event Data Path Detector L1, L2 TCC L3 Supervisor L3 VRC Readout Crate L3 Filter Ethernet Collector / Router Data Logger RIP Disk FCC Ethernet Data Cable Trigger and Readout UNIX Servers NT Level 3

DØ Online Workshop3-June-1999S. Fuess Detector Control & Monitoring Detector Readout Crate Controls Crate Trigger and Readout UNIX ServersControl Room PCs EPICS Clients: Low Voltage High Voltage Rack Monitor 1553 Devices SMT Monitor FT Monitor etc EPICS Clients: Low Voltage High Voltage Rack Monitor 1553 Devices SMT Monitor FT Monitor etc Controls Ethernet 1553 ORACLE Hardware Database EPICS DB Generator Vertical Interconnect

DØ Online Workshop3-June-1999S. Fuess Event Monitoring Detector L1, L2 TCC L3 Supervisor L3 VRC Readout Crate L3 Filter Collector / Router Data Logger Disk Data Cable UNIX Servers NT Level 3 Ethernet Linux PCsControl Room PCs Data Distributor EXAMINE Express Line ROOT Client Trigger and Readout

DØ Online Workshop3-June-1999S. Fuess Secondary Data Path Detector FCC UNIX Server Ethernet Linux PCsControl Room PCs Ethernet EPICS DART CA Client Control GUI 1553 Bus VME Bus Detector DAQ Collector / Router Data Logger RIP Disk Collector / Router Data Logger Disk Data Distributor EXAMINE Examine GUI Examine GUI Trigger and Readout RIP

DØ Online Workshop3-June-1999S. Fuess Configuration and Run Control Detector L1, L2 TCC L3 Supervisor L3 VRC Readout Crate L3 Filter FCC Data Cable Controls Crate UNIX Servers NT Level 3 Ethernet Linux PCs Control Room PCs ControlsTrigger and Readout Run Control Client Run Control Client Downloader DAQ Manager COOR Collector / Router Data Logger Disk Data Distributor EXAMINE RIP 1553 Vertical Interconnect

DØ Online Workshop3-June-1999S. Fuess DAQ Monitoring L1, L2 TCC L3 Supervisor L3 VRC Readout Crate L3 Filter Data Cable UNIX Servers NT Level 3 Ethernet Control Room PCs Trigger and Readout DAQ Monitor GUI DAQ Monitor GUI DAQ Monitor DAQ Monitor Collector / Router Data Logger Disk Data Distributor RIP

DØ Online Workshop3-June-1999S. Fuess Calibration Detector L1, L2 TCC L3 Supervisor L3 VRC Readout Crate L3 Filter Calibration Tool Calibration Manager Database Data Cable UNIX Servers NT Level 3 Ethernet Control Room PCs Trigger and Readout Calibration Client Calibration Client

DØ Online Workshop3-June-1999S. Fuess and more... Several subsystems have tentacles to many other applications: –Alarm System “Significant events” from –front end processors monitoring hardware –front end processors monitoring local (crate level) quality of data –software processes monitoring workings of Trigger & DAQ system –software processes monitoring global quality of data “Heartbeats” to watch activity of crictical applications –Database Operations Controls system “Hardware” database “Metadata” associated with event data Calibration data Luminosity data Monitoring logs and others...

DØ Online Workshop3-June-1999S. Fuess Summary Online system has several functions –Workshop will be looking at Hardware control and monitoring Event data monitoring Consider Online system as composed of several major component sub-systems –Several of which are involved in each of the different functions Most important components for the workshop are: –Hardware control and monitoring Front End processors Hardware interfaces EPICS control system Host and Front End databases Host and/or Control Room GUIs –Event data monitoring Event monitoring processor farm EXAMINE applications