What You Need To make smoothies you need A blender Yogurt Orange juice
You Still Need Strawberries Other fruit Ice A cup A spoon
Directions First you want to get all of your materials together You should plug in the blender Measure out one cup of ice
Directions You should put the (vanilla)yogurt in the blender Put the ice in the blender Add all the fruit to the blender
Directions Add the orange juice Put the lid to the blender on VERY TIGHTLY Turn the blender on
Directions Take the lid off of the blender Pour it into cups
Challenges If your blender stops blending Stop the blender and mix it up with a spoon
Challenges If the lid is not on the blender tight enough and you start the blender. Everything will fly everywhere. You will have a huge mess to clean up so put the lid on tight
Now you have your delicious fruit smoothie