Colons Matt Harvey Tyler Waldie
Use a colon after a complete sentence to introduce a list, an appositive, or a quotation.
Several majors interest me: biology, chemistry, and art. a list She shared with me her favorite toys: a spatula and a pot lid. an appositive He said the dreaded words: “Lets just be friends.” a quotation
When you use a colon to introduce a sentence element, make sure that it is preceded by an independent clause. EXAMPLE Three kinds of futility (are) dealt with in the novel: pervasive poverty, lost love, and inescapable aging.
Use a colon when a second closely related independent clause elaborates on the first one. EXAMPLE I can predict tonight’s events sequence of events: my brother will arrive late, talk loudly, and eat too much.
Use colons in salutations in business documents, to indicate ratios, to indicate times of day, for city and publisher citations in bibliographies, and to separate titles and subtitles.
Examples Dear Mr. Worth: The ratio of armed to unarmed members of the gang was 3:1. He woke up at 6:30 in the morning. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007 Possible Lives: The Promise of Public Education in America
Some Common Mistakes Using a colon between a verb and its object or complements. Using a colon between a preposition and its object or objects. Using a colon after such as, for example, or including. Using more than one colon in a sentence.
For example The elements of a smoothie are: yogurt, fresh fruit, and honey. Many feel that cancer can be prevented by a diet of: fruit, nuts, and vegetables. I am ready for a change, such as: a trip to the Bahamas or a move to another town. He was taken in by a new con: the Spanish lottery scam: victims are told they have won a big prize and asked to send financial information to a fake Spanish company.
True or False – Colons can be used more than once in a sentence. True or False – Colons should not be used to express ratios. Which word does the colon belong after in this sentence? Several majors interest me biology chemistry and art Express the time six thirty in the morning with a colon. Multiple Choice – Which of the following can colons be used for? a. Lists b. Appositives c. Quotations d. All three