Welcome Parents “Go for the Gold” Do Now: 1.Please complete the Climate Survey in the table caddies. 2. Write your child a note using the orange cardstock paper on the tables.
* Change of Dismissal : If your child will be going home in a way that is different than usual, please send a note to school in your child’s home folder. * Electronics/Trading cards are not permitted in school unless they are being used as a class reward. * Birthdays : Birthdays are celebrated with non-food items only. * Alternative Ideas: distributing a small gift such as pencils or stickers to the class, bringing in a favorite song to play, bringing in a favorite book to share * Snack : We have snack every afternoon. Please help your child select a healthy, nut-free snack daily. * Water : Please send a water bottle/thermos to school with your child in order to minimize the number of trips out of the classroom. Nuts and Bolts
* Gym : We have gym on Mondays and Fridays. Please help your child choose appropriate footwear/clothing. * Home Folder: Please check your child’s home folder each night, as important notices and homework assignments will be sent home regularly. (Frost School folder) * Classroom Website: Please visit our classroom website! * Special announcements/reminders * Breakdown of what we’re studying * Links to educational games/resources * Fry sight word list * Go to the Frost School website. Go to the “Staff Directory” and type my last name into the search field.
Fundations min per day Fundations is an integrated systematic word study, spelling, and handwriting curriculum. Skills taught in Fundations: – Letter-sound correspondence – Handwriting and spelling automaticity (being able to recognize and reproduce letters quickly and effortlessly) – Blending sounds into words – Vocabulary: “Word of the Day” which corresponds with the word structure being studied – Beginning dictionary skills: students learn about the 4 quadrants of the alphabet – High frequency “trick” words: words that appear most often in print that do not always follow the “system” of the language – Fluency – Punctuation and capitalization 14 units: homework packet for each unit; keep in home folder; post-it will mark the page of that night’s assignment
Reader’s Workshop – Each workshop begins with a mini-lesson that introduces a new reading strategy. – Children then apply this strategy during independent reading time. – During independent reading time, children meet with me individually or in small guided reading groups, in order to practice more targeted skills. – Children shop from the classroom library weekly for “just right” books : books that your child can read independently, with success. Please make sure that your child packs his/her bag of books each morning, as these books are needed during independent reading time.
Your child will be encouraged to read every night for 15 minutes. Periodically throughout the year, your child will be asked to complete a reading log or a writing assignment. The reading log will change throughout the year to reflect the strategies that we are working on. When a log or writing assignment is given, directions will be sent home about how to complete it and when it is due. F.A.Q.: What books can my child use for reading assignments? Any “just right” books from the bag of books or from home What if I misplace the log or writing assignment? The reading logs and writing assignments can be printed from my classroom website. They are found under the “Helpful Handouts” tab.
Scholastic 2 ways of ordering: by catalogue or online Catalogue: Select books and return order form to me by the specified due date. Online: Order online and our class receives a free book! To order online, simply visit the “Scholastic” tab on my website and click icon. Be sure to enter the Class Activation Code: FXGVM
Writer’s Workshop Children will be writing both fiction and non-fiction pieces this year. – Small Moment Stories – How-To Books – All-About Books – Poetry -Opinion Writing
Everyday Math Program * Spiral Program: skills will be revisited and built upon in each grade. * Structure of a typical day: * Math “Stretch”: calendar routines and mental math practice * Math Message * Math Message: problem solving and open-ended questions * Mini-lesson: strategy modeled * Independent/Partner/Teacher centers: children apply strategies to independent or group work * Home Links will come home almost every night.
Everyday Math Online Your child can: print home links, access an interactive student reference book, play games that reinforce skills learned in class, and much more. It is also a fantastic tool for teachers because we are able to see the results of the games that your child is playing, and what skills he/she has mastered. Your child’s login information will be sent home this week.
Science We study: Weather Organisms: guppies, pill bugs, millipedes Plants
Social Studies Text Book - People and Places * Text Book - People and Places * We study: * Families * Our World * All Kinds of Jobs * Good Citizens
Health Text Book – Your Health We study: conflict-resolution conflict-resolution listening skills listening skills our body and how it works our body and how it works nutrition and exercise nutrition and exercise feelings and emotions feelings and emotions
Class Incentives Individual incentive : Students earn coins for positive behavior. When they have earned 10, they get to “cash them in” for a reward coupon of their choice. Whole class incentive: Each day, we collect “smile points” and “try harder” points. If we finish our day with more smile points than try harder points, we earn a letter toward a class celebration. Ex: E L E C T R O N I C S T I M E
Think About It Sheets I will be using “Think About It” sheets often this year in order to help the children reflect on their behavior and develop accountability. If one of these sheets come home, please sign it and send it back to school in your child’s home folder.
Weekly winner: A child who has demonstrated positive behavior all week long is chosen weekly. This child will also have the option of bringing home our “class pet,” Ted, for the weekend. Children can record Ted’s travels in his travel log. Ted will go home with your child on Friday, and he will need to return to school on Monday. Thanks for your cooperation and support!!!
Thank you for coming! Please dont forget to sign up for October conferences before you leave!