Benefits to Society and You! Why rocks “rock”
Geologists : “Scientists who deal with history of earth as recorded in rocks.” (Babylon Dictionary) Job Description Link: ges/63/Geologist.html ges/63/Geologist.html
I MPORTANT U SES : ● Economic Value Economic Value ● Aesthetic ValueAesthetic Value ● Earth History Earth History
Rocks are important to the petroleum industry. Used to acquire oil and gas resources. Watch video: EB6FPLfsSI&feature=related EB6FPLfsSI&feature=related
Oil and gas is important for fueling: Homes Automobiles Schools
Economic Value Many of the rocks containing petroleum resources are in Oklahoma. This provides jobs for Oklahomans like you, me, and our families.
E CONOMIC V ALUE The following link provides more information on Oklahoma’s leading industry: rs/Facts/tabid/85/Default.aspx
Think about it: What is Oklahoma’s leading resource? Where does this resource come from? How do rocks benefit me? Would it be difficult to live without the resources rocks provide us with?
The following are valuable minerals found in rocks: Diamonds Image from
Emeralds Image from
Sapphires Image from
Rubies Image from
Amethysts Image from
Web Minerals offers more information on: Gems Earth Science Rocks & Minerals Discover your favorite mineral at:
Geologists study rocks to determine regions of earthquakes.
Geologists also use rocks to locate regions of volcanoes.
Earth History From rocks, we find evidence of dinosaurs. Click on the ones below to find out more cool information on each.
Tyrannosaurus Rex: Nicknamed “T-Rex” Also known as “Tyrant Lizard”, or “King of the Lizards” (Wikipedia). Click photo to return to other dinosaurs. Image from
Apatosaurus Formerly known as Brontosaurus. One of the largest land animals that ever existed. Name means “Deceptive Lizard” (Wikipedia).
Stegosaurus Has distinctive tail spikes and plates. Name means “Roof Lizard”. 30 feet long on average (Wikipedia). Image from