MOCK TEST 11 (2012-13) Detailed Analysis.  Mock Test 11 follows the CLAT pattern wherein the students are subjected to the same level of difficulty both.


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MOCK TEST 11 ( ) Detailed Analysis

 Mock Test 11 follows the CLAT pattern wherein the students are subjected to the same level of difficulty both in terms of question type and level. The mock test comprises of five sections with a total of 200 questions. There is a negative marking of 0.25 for every incorrect answer. A student is expected to attempt this test in an actual test like environment wherein he has 120 minutes to complete the test and thus need to schedule his/her time accordingly. INTRODUCTION SectionsNo. of questionsExpected time to complete English4026 min. General Knowledge5012 min. Mathematics2012 min. Logical Reasoning4030 min. Legal Aptitude5040 min.

This section was of moderate level of difficulty. The section consisted of:  1 Reading Comprehension passage with 10 questions  3 questions on antonyms  3 questions on synonyms  5 questions on idioms  9 fill in the blanks questions  3 questions on identifying parts of speech  3 questions on antonyms of the underlined part  4 questions on Foreign language phrases ENGLISH

DETAILS Question S. No. Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty Strategy 1 to 10 Reading Comprehension Moderate The passage was slightly lengthy but easy to read and comprehend. The questions were of a moderate difficulty level and were largely inference based. 7 out of 10 questions should have been a good attempt. 11 to 13 Vocabulary - Synonyms Easy to Moderate The difficulty level of these questions was moderate and two of them should have been attempted. 14 to 16 Vocabulary - Antonyms Moderate The antonyms asked were of a moderate difficulty level and 2 out of 3 should have been a good attempt.

Question S. No. 17 to 21 Key Concepts and Brief Description Idioms Overall Level of Difficulty Easy Strategy Almost all the idioms were common ones and should have been answered correctly. 22 to 30Fill in the BlanksEasy to Moderate The blanks that had to be filled in with prepositions were fairly easy and the ones that had to be filled in with tenses were of a moderate difficulty level. At least 7 to 8 questions should have been attempted. 31 to 33 Identifying Parts of Speech Easy The questions were easy and all of them should have been attempted. 34 to 36 Antonyms of the underlined part Moderate to Difficult It was important to read the directions very carefully. The difficulty level of the questions was moderate. 37 to 40 Vocabulary – Foreign language phrases Moderate For students who had prepared well, these questions would have been very easy. Even the others should have been able to attempt at least 2 out of the 4 questions.

GK section of CLAT mock test 11 has total 50 questions in all. Out of which 31 questions were from current affairs and 19 questions from static GK.  Current affairs questions were inclined towards different national and international personalities and across misc. fields. The questions from static GK were from general science, polity and constitution, economy, geography etc.  Further, the final break-up summary can be analyzed with the help of following table: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE

Static GK Current GK SectionNo. of Questions Difficulty level SectionNo. of Questions Difficulty level History5HardNational Events Geography (India & World) 4Moderate to Hard International Events 1 Hard Indian Polity & Constitution 5ModeratePersonality14Moderate to Hard Economy3Moderate to Hard Places2Moderate to Hard Science & Tech2Moderate to Hard Awards & Honors5 Moderate Misc. 0 - Sports Moderate Misc.9Moderate Total DETAILS

MATHEMATICS This section of the test was of easy to moderate level of difficulty. The section consisted of:  11 questions on Arithmetic  4 questions on Algebra  1 questions on Geometry  2 question on Modern Maths  1 questions on Number System  The section covered all the topics as shown above. The distribution of questions was more towards Algebra and Arithmetic. Almost all the Quantitative Ability questions were based on fundamentals and involved few calculations.

DETAILS Question S. No. Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall level of Difficulty Strategy 91, 96, 97, 98, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, Mixtures and Solutions, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Average, Time Speed and Distance, Time and Work, Profit and Loss, Easy to Moderate All the questions were based on direct principals. Most of them could have been attempted. 92, 95, 107, 110Arithmetic Progressions, Equations, Easy to Moderate The questions was of moderate level. Should have been attempted only if the logic was visible. 93Geometry and Mensuration,Easy It was a direct principal based question and must have been attempted. 94, 102,Permutations and Combinations, Probability, Set TheoryEasy Both questions must have been attempted. 99,Square Root, Place Value, Easy to Moderate Easy questions and should have been attempted

The difficulty level of this section was moderate to difficult. The section consisted of:  5 questions on Syllogisms  5 questions on Statement - Assumptions  5 questions on Critical Reasoning  5 questions on Reason - Assertion  5 questions on Strong and Weak arguments  5 questions on Logical Consistency  This section was of moderate level of difficulty. The section consisted of:  4 questions of series  2 questions on Blood Relationship  1 question on Direction  A set on General Arrangement (2 questions)  1 question based on logic Logical REASONING

Question S. No. Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty Strategy 111 to 115SyllogismsModerate The difficulty level of these questions was moderate. These could be solved with the help of Venn diagrams. 4 out of 5 should have been attempted to 120Statement - Assumptions Moderate to Difficult Q. 116 and Q. 120 were difficult and could have been left unattempted. Other questions required careful analysis of the statements before arriving at the answer. 121 to 125Critical Reasoning Moderate to Difficult These questions were quite difficult and a proper reading of the question stem was necessary for the students to solve them. 3 out of 5 should have been a good attempt. Q. 121 and 125 could have been left unattempted. Q. 122 was easy and should have been definitely attempted. DETAILS

Question S. No. Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty Strategy 126 to 130 Reason - AssertionModerate The difficulty level of these questions was moderate and 4 of them could have been attempted. 131 to 135 Strong and Weak arguments Moderate to Difficult These questions depend upon the interpretation of the argument statements correctly. Hence, it was very necessary to judge the arguments on their merit without employing much external knowledge. Q. 133 and Q. 134 were difficult. 136 to 140 Logical Consistency Moderate to Difficult Q. 136 and 137 were difficult. Rest of the three questions were moderate in difficulty and hence should have been attempted.

DETAILS Question S. No. Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty Strategy 141, 142, 148, 149 SeriesModerate – Tough These questions should have been attempted if the pattern was visible 143, 144Blood RelationshipEasy – Moderate Quick analysis of condition was required to solve these questions. Must attempt. 145DirectionsModerate Easy questions based on simple principals. Must attempt 146 to 147Analytical ReasoningModerate Thorough analysis of the given constraints was required to answer the questions. Could have been attempted 150Logical ReasoningEasy It was a must attempt question as understanding the logic was the key.

This section had 50 questions on Legal Aptitude comprising of questions mainly on Legal Reasoning and one question on Legal Knowledge. The section consisted of:  Legal Reasoning (49 questions)  Legal Knowledge (1 question) Overall, the section was of Moderate difficulty level. The Legal Reasoning section specifically tested the ability of students to understand and interpret the legal principles and application of the same to factual matrix to reach the best answer. And, in order to answer the questions based on Legal Knowledge, students were expected to have some basic knowledge of concepts under Constitutional Law. LEGAL APTITUDE

 Legal Reasoning: The Legal Reasoning of Mock 11 was very much attainable with a little extra effort. This section was dominated by questions from Law of Contracts and Criminal Law including but not limited to cluster questions. Few questions from Torts and Constitutional Law were also spotted in the mock. A stalwart approach towards legal reasoning makes it a very scoring sub- section of the paper.  Legal Knowledge: The Legal Knowledge part of mock 11 was very limited as the effort was more towards checking the skills in terms of time management and pushing students to do their best in this regard. DETAILS

Question Numbers Number of Questions Topics Difficulty Level Legal Reasoning Legal Knowledge 156,161,162,166,175,176,177, Constitution Moderate to Difficult 155,160,165,167,168,169,170,171,172,174, 179,180,183,184,187,188,189,190,196,197, 198,199, Contracts Moderate to Difficult 151,152,153,157,159 5 Torts Easy to Moderate 154,158,163,164,173,182,185,186,191,192,1 93,194, Criminal Law Moderate to Difficult