Essential Questions EQ1: What is my role as a Peer Teacher Leader? EQ2: How can I support Peer Teachers in their quest to be uncommon?
Workshop Goals/Understandings Understand the purpose and history of the PT program. Understand the connection to the SADF mission. Build camaraderie with PT leaders and sense of ownership. Understand the role of PT Leaders and their responsibilities at the PT retreat. Develop leadership skills in role as PT Leader.
History of Peer Teaching
Safe & Drug-Free Programs
SADF Mission The mission of the Parkway Safe and Drug- free Program (SADF) is to develop and foster resilient and conscientious students who actively participate in cultivating and empowering future generations of students who are committed to leading the way towards a drug-free lifestyle.
STARS Program Goals Develop life skills and learning skills Strengthen and own personal choices Identify resources for each other (role models, advocacy) Provide youth leadership opportunities
S.T.A.R.S. Students Teaching About Resiliency Skills STARS Academy – 9 th Grade –Develop leadership skills –Develop tutoring skills Program Lessons School/Community Advocacy Efforts
Peer Teaching General Description Desired Results – UBD Stage I Assessment – UBD Stage II –Student Testimonials –Data? Learning Plan – UBD Stage III
Peer Teaching Topics Integrity Connectedness Responsibility Uniqueness
2009 PT Retreat Theme
Uncommon Character “Character is a quality that can be measured just like height, weight, and speed.” “It doesn’t matter if you follow the rules or break them, just as long as you come out on top.” “What you do is not as important as how you do it.” “A person’s reaction to winning, success, fame, and recognition reveals character.” Can you decide to do the right thing, even when it is the uncommon thing to do?
INTEGRITY Def. - The state of being complete, undivided or unbroken. A person is complete when their beliefs and actions are the same. Integrity is what you do when no one is watching. Integrity is your internal compass. Integrity has no need of rules. Integrity is keeping your word. Integrity is doing what is right. Integrity takes a lot of courage. Video
Being Connected “Friendship runs two ways.” “Listen to the voice of the crowd.”
Being Responsible The “Golden Rule” – Treat others with respect. “Everybody can be great.” Responsibility is the sacrifice that goes along with being a leader. “Don’t just look for the rewards…invest in other people’s lives.” “It isn’t necessarily what you do, but what you don’t do.” “Use your platform to make a difference.” Take away the thought that says “later.”
Being Unique Don’t be afraid to stand on your own. Sometimes some people will second guess your decision. Be courageous and stand by what you believe.
Sharing Groups #1 – Expectations #2 thru 5 – Topics #6 – School Choice
Sharing Group Guidelines What should be common? What should be unique?
Lunch Break!!
Peer Teaching Retreat Agenda Schedule Bus Arrival Camp Orientation Activities Sharing Groups & School Groups Presentations & Guest Speaker Meals/Snacks School Activities Evening Activities Closing Activity
Peer Teaching Logistics Student Info Share Group Preparation Peer Teaching Issues Cabin Supplies & Snacks Set-up Music Group Dynamics Medical Forms Student Lists & Hoodie Sizes Sub List
Peer Teaching Testimonies Link