Update from SQA Development of Qualifications Qualifications available to support young people requiring More Choices, More Chances Michelle Clarke SQA MCMC Customer Liaison Manager More Choices, More Chances
SQA CfE Qualifications Developments And Wider Achievement Qualifications LTS – Transitions Roadshow
Curriculum for Excellence Qualifications Development Update
Literacy and numeracy Freestanding Units at SCQF levels 3, 4 and 5 (available to adult learners also) A Literacy Unit to be included in English Courses at SCQF levels 3 and 4 (Access 3 and National 4) A Numeracy Unit to be included in Mathematics Courses at SCQF levels 3 and 4 (Access 3 and National 4) Some, not all, literacy/numeracy skills included in English and Mathematics at SCQF 5 (National 5) – no certification unless learner also completes freestanding Unit
New National Courses: design Design principles agreed for National Courses from Access to Advanced Higher National 4 – replaces Standard Grade (General) and Intermediate 1 National 5 – replaces Standard Grade (Credit) and Intermediate 2 Courses will be 160 hours (as at present)
New National Courses: design Access, Higher and Advanced Higher will be revised to reflect aims, values, principles of Curriculum for Excellence and provide good progression to and from National 4 and National 5 Units in all Courses will be: more skills-based and less prescriptive more flexible to encourage holistic assessment where appropriate more flexibility for teachers to exercise professional judgement
Timelines 2010 – new curriculum introduced 2012 – publication of new qualifications levels 1 to 6 2013 – last Standard Grades + current Access 1, 2 & 3; publication of new qualifications level 7 2014 – first new qualifications at levels 1 to 5 (Access and National 4 and 5); dual run’ with existing National Courses 2015 – first new qualifications at level 6 (Higher); ‘dual run’ with existing National Courses 2016 – first new qualifications at level 7 (Advanced Higher)
Wider Achievement Qualifications
Alternative programmes Certification for Achievement CfE Ready Senior Phase
Employability Award 1 credit Award SCQF Levels 3 and 4 An Introduction to the world of work Captures achievement in smaller chunks (0.25 credit units)
Personal Development National Units / Courses Courses and units at SCQF 2-6 No external assessment so ungraded Units embedded in other awards Selection of learning and teaching materials available at SCQF 3, 4 and 6
Steps to Work Award SCQF 3&4 Minimum 2 credit award 2 sections: Person centred and Practical context Flexible in size and structure (includes 0.25 credit units) Pick and mix design
National Progression Award Enterprise & Employability L4-5 Vocational, linked to National Occupational Standards Aims to develop transferable skills for employment or self employment Captures achievement in smaller chunks (0.25 credit units)
Award in Leadership SCQF L5-6 Develops knowledge and abilities in leadership. 1.5 credit award consisting of two Units. Can allow certification of extra curricular activities. –School prom –Charity events
Safe Road User Award SCQF L4 Developed with Driving Standards Agency Entitles learners to partial exemption of DSA Driver Theory Test Two 40 hour Units with free Learning and Teaching Packs and online assessment
Personal Finance Award, SCQF L4 Offered in partnership with the Institute of Financial Services (ifs). Aims to provide a broad awareness and understanding of issues relating to personal finance Learning & teaching materials and assessments are provided by ifs. SOLAR e-assessment
Contacts MCMC Customer Liaison Managers Kelly Milford Tel: Michelle Sharpe Tel: Business Development Contact Dedicated regional BD teams. Tel:
Thank you Any questions?
Update from SQA Development of Qualifications Qualifications available to support young people requiring More Choices, More Chances Michelle Clarke SQA MCMC Customer Liaison Manager More Choices, More Chances
Presentation: Supporting Young People through the Senior Phase Good practice presentations on how young people are being supported through the Senior Phase
Workshop 2 Learner Journeys : Sharing good practice and opportunities for partnership working within each local authority Bryan Campbell, Learning and Teaching Scotland
Workshop 2 : Reflective Questions By considering the discussions from the Learner Journeys Workshop, and the good practice presentations you have just heard, identify some key steps to address your key challenges, identified during the initial discussions this morning? How can you ensure that good quality, targeted information, advice and guidance (IAG) is provided to every young person making the school/post school transition?
Workshop 2 : Reflective Questions Identify the steps you will take to further raise awareness of 16+ Learning Choices with other colleagues, your wider community, parents and most importantly with the young people you engage with? How can you ensure that your partnerships involve a wide range of organisations to fully support all young people? How are you ensuring that you can deliver the Senior Phase entitlements for vulnerable young people - including looked after young people and care leavers; those with learning disabilities; those involved in the justice system; young carers and interrupted learners?
Senior Phase Transition Roadshows Bryan Campbell Development Officer : More Choices, More Chances Learning and Teaching Scotland
Senior Phase Transition Roadshows Dunfermline, Carnegie Conference Centre 2 nd February, 2011