FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GUIDE © Marin Management, Inc. 1 A. The Purpose of This Policy The Company uses internal and external audits to assure that its financial controls are being implemented and followed. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to the Hotel’s team members on how to assist with internal and external financial audits. Continue ► Financial Controls Guide, 7605 Internal and External Financial Audits
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GUIDE © Marin Management, Inc. 2 B. The Company’s Scheduling of Audits The Company may announce a financial audit to Hotel staff, or it may plan an unannounced audit. The following sections describe how to participate in both types of audits. Continue ► Financial Controls Guide, 7605 Internal and External Financial Audits
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GUIDE © Marin Management, Inc. 3 D. The Hotel’s Planning for an Announced Audit As general manager, office manager or accountant, take the following actions when you become aware of an announced financial audit: 1. Confirm the starting and ending dates and times of the audit. 2. Learn the goals of the audit. 3. Learn what resources the auditor(s) will need, such as work space, access to computers and access to documents. 4. Determine which Hotel team members need to be available during the audit. 5. For those needed to be present during the audit, do not approve any new (not previously scheduled) time off, vacations or leaves during the scheduled audit times. Continue ► Financial Controls Guide, 7605 Internal and External Financial Audits
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GUIDE © Marin Management, Inc. 4 E. Your Response to an Unannounced Audit As general manager, office manager or accountant, take the following actions when one or more auditors arrive for an unannounced audit: Immediately notify your supervisor. General managers, notify your regional manager. Determine from your supervisor whether the persons who represent themselves as auditors are legitimate. When the validity of the auditor’s presence at the Hotel is confirmed, cooperate fully with the audit team. Continue ► Financial Controls Guide, 7605 Internal and External Financial Audits
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GUIDE © Marin Management, Inc. 5 F. Working with Financial Auditors As general manager, office manager or accountant, take the following actions when working with auditors: Provide a work space for the auditor(s). Provide access to all requested documents and computers. Promptly answer all questions accurately and truthfully. Do not conceal information that is relevant to the goals of the audit. Do not reveal confidential Hotel information that is not relevant to the goals of the audit. Continue ► Financial Controls Guide, 7605 Internal and External Financial Audits
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GUIDE © Marin Management, Inc. 6 G. Follow-up after the Audit When directed to do so by the Company, the Hotel general manager promptly implements changes in financial-management practices that result from an audit. End Financial Controls Guide, 7605 Internal and External Financial Audits
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GUIDE © Marin Management, Inc Financial Controls Guide, 7605 Internal and External Financial Audits