Respiratory System Disorders
Infectious Diseases Caused by viruses or bacteria Bronchitis Pneumonia Tuberculosis (TB) Common Cold
Asthma Lungs overreact to certain triggers and become inflamed and clogged May be coughing and wheezing Lungs overreact to certain triggers and become inflamed and clogged May be coughing and wheezing
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease –r–refers to a large group of lung diseases that can interfere with normal breathing Includes people with chronic bronchitis and emphysema –e–emphysema involves alveoli that are damaged Shortness of breath, cough, tightness in chest
Genetic Cystic Fibrosis produce abnormally thick mucus in lungs have a high amount of lung infections Cystic Fibrosis produce abnormally thick mucus in lungs have a high amount of lung infections
Lung Cancer Smoking or 2nd hand smoke contributes to almost 90% of lung cancer Leading cause of cancer deaths in men and women SSmoking or 2nd hand smoke contributes to almost 90% of lung cancer LLeading cause of cancer deaths in men and women