Technical Committee Meeting October 6-7, 2015 Agenda Item #9
On April 19, 1994 the CSO Policy was published and for decades Municipalities along the Ohio River have been trying to meet the Nine Minimum Controls and develop Long Term Control Plans. Municipalities have spent millions of dollars to achieve compliance with the Clean Water Act and meet Water Quality Standards. ORSANCO plans to use the historical bacteria data to look for possible trends at the six major CSO communities along the Ohio River where contact recreation sampling has taken place.
During there was a single site sampled May thru October at six major CSO communities along the Ohio River. All of the sites except for Pittsburgh had a sampling frequency of five samples a month to produce a Geometric Mean. In 2000, sites were added to include an upstream, downtown, and downstream sample in each CSO community. Pittsburgh also began a sampling frequency of five samples a month. In 2009, one site was dropped at each of the CSO communities and Colilert sampling began in Cincinnati. In 2013 the month of April was added to the sampling plan.
SiteFecalE.coli 1.4L M R
SiteYears of Data with FecalYears of Data with E.coli 1.4L99 1.4M14 1.4R
Contact Recreation Sites
Evaluate the temporal traits in the six CSO communities Compare the upstream sites to the downstream sites Look at previous fecal coliform trends assessment done in 1983 and compare with current assessment Use flow/precipitation to show possible seasonal trends
n=496 52% above 400 % Violation of WQS WQS 52% 38% 23% 36% 24% n=496 n=709 n=708 n=74 2 n=705 n=51 9