Regional and Social Dimensions of Innovation Systems: Development Strategies for BRICS Mariano Laplane NEIT/IE - UNICAMP BRICS Project Workshop Rio de Janeiro Abril de 2007
2/41 Share in World Exports % India China Brazil Korea, Rep. Poland Russian Federation
3/41 Export Composition (%) BrazilChinaIndia Primary Products Resource Intensive Low Tech Intensity Medium Tech Intensity High Tech Intensity Others Total100
4/41 * 1993 and 2003 Source: UNIDO BRICS and selected countries % in World MVA 1995 and 2005
5/41 BRICS: MVA per capita (95’ constant S$) 1995 and 2005 Source: UNIDO
6/41 Cientific Development
8/41 BRICS: R&D Expenditure (% of GDP) %) Brazil1,0 -0,9 Russian Federation1,01,321,8 India0,8na- China1,01,331,1 South Africana0,8- High income: OECD2,52,4-1,0
9/41 BRICS Researchers in R&D (per million people) Brazil Russian Federation India China South Africa High income: OECD
10/41 BRICS and selected countries: stock of patent applications, residents, 2001 Number% Brazil6, Russia25, India China30, South Africa Korea, Rep.74, USA190, Japan388, Mexico World939,
11/41 BRICS: GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2000) %) Brazil ,2 Russian Fed ,0 India ,3 China ,1 South Africa ,9 High income: OECD ,0
12/41 BRICS and selected countries: Gini index/ social unequality Is the highly unevenly distributed income a serious development problem for Brazil and South Africa? Is China increasing social unequality a problem for the future? Source: UNDP Most recent data Brazil59.3 Russia31.0 India32.5 China44.7 South Africa57.8 Mexico54.6 Korea, Rep.31.6 USA40.8 Japan24.9
13/41 BRICS: Urban population (% of total) %) Brazil74,884,212,6 Russian Federation73,473,0-0,5 India25,528,712,5 China27,440,447,4 South Africa52,059,314,0
14/41 BRICS: Poverty headcount ratio at $2 a day (% of population) Brazil21, Russian Federation13, India81, China46, South Africa34,1 2000
15/41 BRICS portrait: population, area, density, total and per capita domestic product Brazil South Africa China* India Russian Federation * revised. Source: UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics, Density inhabitants per km 2 PopulationNominal GDP 2004 totalper capita total 2004 thousands Area km 2