National Radioactive Waste Management Agency Bill 25 MARCH 2008
Establish the National Radioactive Waste Management Agency. Agency will be responsible for Management of Radioactive Waste Disposal on a national basis, on behalf of the Minister. The Agency will be wholly owned by the State. Purpose
It is regarded as International Best Practice in the nuclear Sector to have an Agency managing the disposal of Radioactive Waste Generators of Radioactive Waste cannot be entrusted the duty of also managing waste disposal An independent Agency frees the generators of Waste to concentrate on their core mandate, be it power generation, R&D, Isotope production etc. Countries that have independent agencies include France, Spain, Hungary, Canada, Japan, Belgium etc. International Best Practice
Functions of the Agency Design and implement Disposal Solutions Develop Radioactive Waste Acceptance and Disposal criteria Assess and inspect the acceptability of Waste for disposal Manage, Operate and Monitor operational disposal Facilities Manage and Monitor Closed disposal facilities
Functions of the Agency Investigate the need for any new disposal facilities Site, design and construct new facilities as required Define and conduct research and development aimed at long term radioactive waste management Maintain a national radioactive waste database Manage any Ownerless radioactive waste on behalf of the State
Functions of the Agency Assist generators of small quantities radioactive waste in the management of their waste Provide information on radioactive waste management to the public living around disposal facilities and the public in general
Control and Management Controlled by a Board of Directors On the Board: DME, DEAT, DWAF, Health (+ no more than 5 other directors) Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer
Funds Money appropriated by Parliament Money transferred from the Radioactive Waste Management Fund ( once established) Money received for services rendered Income or interest earned on cash balances
Assets and Liabilities All assets, liabilities, licences, obligations and authorisations of the Vaalputs National Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility operated by NECSA will vest in the Agency All employees of Necsa at the Vaalputs Disposal Facility will become staff members of the Agency
Bill development Process According to Nuclear Energy Act, 46 of 1999, Minister is responsible for Management of Radioactive Waste and Storage of irradiated fuel. Radioactive Waste Management Policy and Strategy of 2005, requires the Agency to be established by an Act of Parliament Policy gave 5 years from 2005 to establish the Agency
The National Committee of Radioactive Waste Management (NCRWM) was consulted on the Draft Agency Bill [NCRWM members: DME, DEAT, DWAF and NNR] Bill development Process…
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