Protein delivery: DNA nanostructures and cell-surface targeting Harvard iGEM August 27, 2006
The Machine Goal: Future modular drug delivery drug target cell
Molecular containers in nature Hard to duplicate artificially
DNA Nanostructures Overview DNA can be used to approximate arbitrary 3D structures WILLIAM M. SHIH, JOEL D. QUISPE & GERALDF. JOYCE Nature 427, 618 ミ 621 (2004); William Shih, Harvard Ned Seeman, NYUPaul Rothemund, Caltech
Motivation: Why DNA? The power of DNA Nanometer scale Covalent modifications possible Inexpensive synthesis Highly programmable/designable
Design Details: Scaffolded Oragami M13 viral genome 7308 bases long Add ~180 helper strands in Mg++ buffer Heat to near boiling. (90 C)
Design Details: Scaffolded Oragami
When the sample reaches room temperature (2hrs later), the origami have folded
Design Details: Positional Control
Design Details Double-ply barrel and lid Lid: 33 nm across, 28 nm long Barrel: 27.5 nm long, 27.6 nm across
Exciting EM Images
To be continued Can a protein be protected from protease if attached inside the box? Lid attachment Lid removal protein protease
Acknowledgements Harvard TFs - Shawn Douglas, Nick Stroustrup, Chris Doucette Harvard advisers - Dr. William Shih, Dr. George Church, Dr. Pamela Silver, Dr. Alain Viel, Dr. Jagesh Shah, Dr. Radhika Nagpal iGEM ambassadors iGEM directors