Non-Catholic apostate Karol Wojtyla (a.k.a. “John Paul II”) … kissing the “koran” … working for the eternal damnation of … un-baptized persons all of whom are in the state of Original Sin. Blasphemy against Christ in the apostate “koran” is listed on Section of the site. Heretic Ratzinger working for the eternal damnation of other heretics -- making believe he is praying with them. Front row left is Rowan Williams, top group leader of the “anglican” heresy, founded in 1531 by anti-Christs. (Sections 2, 8, 8.4, 13.2, and 30) Automatically excommunicated heretic Bergoglio … working for the damnation of the “muslims” (L) and “eastern” heretics (R). The “muslim” apostasy is detailed on Section the heresies of the “orthodox” heretics are listed on Section The pictures of heresy and apostasy below are the tip of the iceberg … of many layers of deception which … in fact and in truth … is bringing about the loss of your immortal soul … resulting in a never-ending separation from God. 2. The entire paradigm of heresy versus the Catholic Dogma is fully operative even in these times … as it has been for 2000 years, in terms of getting to Heaven … and thus avoiding Hell. (Sections 1, 2, 5, 8, and 9 of the site) 3. The Catholic Dogmas on Jurisdiction and Automatic Excommunication for heresy … define that the Catholic Church (founded by Jesus Christ in 33 A.D.) … lost all of its properties around the world on 8 December 1965 … to a non-Catholic cult on the close date of the “vatican-2 council”. The “vatican-2 council” published unbounded heresy (quantity and kind) against unchangeable Catholic Dogma (Sections 12 & 13.2). This is proof the Vatican had ceased being Catholic and those dressed as bishops were in fact all heretics. 4. There was not a single bishop in 1965 who rejected the “vatican-2 council” heresy … they all fell automatically excommunicated, thus losing their offices as Catholic bishops. The vatican-2 heresy is relentlessly (and ruthlessly) enforced around the world on our formerly Catholic properties. The Church’s former bishops and priests became group leaders for the vatican-2 heresy after Consequently, do not set foot in any building with a Catholic sign out front … these buildings are simply anti-Christ heretic meeting halls at this time … just like the “lutheran”, “anglican”, “methodist”, “evangelical”, etc. heretic meeting halls. 6. To have a basic understanding of what is happening in the supernatural order … you must understand clearly the effects of Original Sin … in that Original Sin did close Heaven for the immortal souls of all men (temporarily until the Redemption (the re-opening)). Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Ecclesiastes 9:3 > “This is a very great evil among all things that are done under the sun, that the same things happen to all men: whereby also the hearts of the children of men are filled with evil … and afterwards they shall be brought down to Hell.” 7. The spiritual reality in these times is that … the one way prescribed by which God re-opened Heaven (the Catholic Church) … has no physical buildings or personnel hierarchy in these times … the Dogma proving this is on Section 13.6 of the site. 8. The remedy for this, required by Dogma … is to enter the Catholic Church by the steps on Section 2.1 of the site. 9. Please read through this documented site for an hour or so … you’ll see that all is in order (in accordance with the unchangeable Dogma) … addresses are at the top of the site index, if you have any questions. > Photographic proof of heresy and apostasy … is compelling … these are actions which cause automatic excommunication from Christianity (the Catholic Church) … which (top down) has no buildings at this time … they are also acts of hatred. Summary packet for > > and Much more photographic proof of heresy and apostasy on Sections 13 and see also , , , , and Centuries of Water Baptism Sources of Catholic Dogma listed on Section 7.2 of the site … as a requirement for salvation … needed to save your soul from Hell Amazing heresies of Bergoglio on Section more pics Catholic faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Daniel 9:26 > “Christ shall be slain: and the people that shall deny Him shall not be His.” (Sections 2.3, 4, 7.2.1, 31, and 39) Non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. “Francis") … lighting a menorah thus working for the eternal damnation of un-baptized persons all of whom are in the state of Original Sin making believe that the religion of the Old Testament Israelites (the Catholic faith unfulfilled) is not over. Ratzinger, of course, doing the same. These photos show the “leaders” of the vatican-2 heretic cult... confirming people in the errors which have them headed for eternal Hell