Henry VIII CATHOLIC! CATHOLIC! No change in church service. No change in church service. Pater Noster (prayers still in Latin). Pater Noster (prayers still in Latin). Bible in English. Bible in English.
The Act of Supremacy Henry VIII had everybody who refused to accept him as head of the Church of England executed for treason. Henry VIII had everybody who refused to accept him as head of the Church of England executed for treason. These monks are being hung, drawn and quartered These monks are being hung, drawn and quartered
Edward VI PROTESTANT ! PROTESTANT ! New prayer book. New prayer book. Services and prayers in English. Services and prayers in English. Decorations torn from the churches. Decorations torn from the churches. Priests allowed to marry. Priests allowed to marry.
Mary I CATHOLIC ! CATHOLIC ! Pope the head of the church again. Pope the head of the church again. Latin services and prayers. Latin services and prayers. Protestants persecuted. Protestants persecuted. Priests and wives separated. Priests and wives separated.
Cuthbert Simmons All you have to do is become a Catholic for the pain to stop.
What effect did the burning of the Martyrs have during Mary’s Reign? ‘We shall this day light such a candle, by God’s Grace in England, as I trust shall never be put out’
Elizabeth I PROTESTANT PROTESTANT Had English services Had English services Priests could marry Priests could marryBUT……. Tried not to offend Catholics so… Queen was sovereign – (not head of the church) Queen was sovereign – (not head of the church) A new prayer book introduced A new prayer book introduced
Create a visual representation to show the changing religion in the Tudor times. This is just one idea. Can you think of any others?