NIST Cyber-Physical Systems Public Working Group: Draft CPS Framework Dr. David Wollman Deputy Director, Smart Grid and Cyber-Physical Systems Program Office Engineering Laboratory, NIST
Cyber-Physical Systems Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are smart systems that include engineered interacting networks of physical and computational components (and human users). Cyber-Physical Systems system-of-systems cyber-physical system Info Decision Energy/Material Action cyber physical cyber-physical device
NIST CPS Program Overview Global Cities Team Challenge Smart Cities are key platforms for demonstrating replicable, scalable and reproducible deployments of CPS/Internet of Things solutions June “Expo” featured 63+ teams and 200+ participating companies, cities and universities GCTC 2016 announced, kickoff in Nov2015 CPS Public Working Group NIST leadership w/industry, academia, government; CPS experts in 5 working groups have contributed to creation of draft CPS Framework (public review) – CPS Test Bed Conceptual design in progress; CPS Testbed workshop Feb2015. CPS Standards and Research Cybersecurity, industrial control systems, manufacturing, healthcare, smart grid, … CPS PWG CPS Testbed
CPS PWG Goal: Create CPS Framework to support CPS research, development and deployment Need multi-domain perspective baked in Applicable within all CPS domains Supports cross-CPS domain applications CPS Framework CPS Actors Goals use achieve Smart infrastructure (grid, water, gas, …) Smart emergency response Many more!! Smart transportation Smart buildings Smart healthcare Smart manufacturing
What are Frameworks? Frameworks are conceptual structures that organize and make clear collective wisdom (vision, principles, underlying structure, functions, requirements, practices, …) Frameworks are created with technical expertise and process Expertise: collective knowledge, experience infused with creativity Process: organized methodology within active stakeholder community Communities of practice, processes, organizations, standards … Roadmaps: Action plans and time schedules for getting from here to there Perspectives, Viewpoints, Views, …
NIST CPS Public Working Group (CPS PWG) Draft Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems, Release 0.8 NIST CPS PWG leadership: David Wollman and Chris Greer Co-Chairs Reference Arch Use Cases Security Timing Data Interop NIST Abdella Battou Eric Simmon Vicky Pillitteri, Steve Quinn Marc Weiss Marty Burns Academia Janos Sztipanovits John Baras Bill Sanders Hugh Melvin Larry Lannom Industry Stephen Mellor, Shi-Wan Lin, Ed Griffor (now at NIST) Stephen Mellor Claire Vishik Sundeep Chandhoke Peggy Irelan, Eve Schooler F2F Workshops: August 2014 and April 2015 December 2014: “Framework Element” documents from each of 5 subgroup March 2015: Preliminary Discussion Draft CPS Framework, Release 0.7 September 2015: Draft CPS Framework, Release 0.8 for public review and comments
CPS Framework Analysis Methodology
CPS Framework Structure Facets Aspects Conceptualization Realization Assurance Functional Business Human Trustworthiness Timing Data Boundaries Composition Lifecycle Use Case, Requirements, … Model of a CPS Design / Produce / Test / Operate CPS Argumentation, Claims, Evidence CPS Assurance Activities and their Artifacts Manufacturing Transportation Energy Healthcare others … Domains
Trustworthiness “Aspect” (grouping of concerns) Security Privacy Safety Reliability Resilience Safety Reliability Resilience Cybersecurity Privacy Physical Analog Cyber
Activities and Artifacts CPS CPS Assurance Model of CPS Conceptualization Activities Realization Activities Conceptualization Facet Assurance Facet Realization Facet Assurance Activities In using the framework to analyze and document CPS, a series of activities is performed. For example, a typical waterfall-like process will include: use case development functional decomposition requirements analysis design, etc. An activity produces one or more artifacts. For example, the activities and associated artifacts of the conceptualization facet commonly include: Mission and Business Case Development Artifact: Business use cases Functional Decomposition Artifact: Detailed use cases, actors, information exchanges Requirements Analysis Artifact: Functional and non-functional requirements Requirements Allocation Artifact: HW/SW configuration Items Interface Requirements Analysis Artifact: Interface requirements
Draft CPS Framework: Public Review and Comments Draft CPS Framework, Timing Technical Annex, and spreadsheet for comments are available on Comments due November 2, 2015 – please email comment spreadsheet to