By Dave Batty revised 03/2010 1
You can have a plan, but still have poor structure. The student is the main character in your class. Everything else is there to serve the student. Everything presented is there to lead to the main objective--an effective personal application revised 03/2010 2
1.HookGet their attention 5 minutes 2.BookBible study new information minutes 3.LookRelate this info. to present day living 10+ minutes 4.TookPersonal Application 5+ minutes revised 03/2010 4
Phase 1 1.Start a file 2.Read student manual 3.Read teacher lesson plan 4.Check the study guide 5.Personal notes -Debrief notes from past teaching 6.Take the test revised 03/2010 5
1. Pray 2. Review Key Biblical Truth & Key Verse 3. Separate notes into 4 groups Hook Book Look Took 4. Brainstorm ideas --methods of teaching 5. Write rough draft of lesson plan --with time estimates revised 03/2010 6
6. Cut, cut, cut! 7. Add time for discussion, Q&A 8. Add illustrations 9. Mark top priority points in lesson plan 10. Cut, cut, cut! 11. Prepare visuals revised 03/2010 7
1.Teach it! 2.Mark actual time by each activity 3.Mark question & answer time--jot down questions 4.“D” for discussion time revised 03/2010 8
5.Narrow the focus General information Personal application revised 03/2010 9
1.Debrief 2.Were the Key Biblical Truth and Key Verse on target? 3.Evaluate the effectiveness of each of the 4 major parts of your lesson. Hook, Book, Look, Took 4. Write down your ideas for teaching next time revised 03/